Wednesday, August 7, 2024

One Monthly Goal--August 2024

It has been several months since I joined in with the One Monthly Goal link up, hosted by Anne-Marie at Stories from the Sewing Room. I have a definite goal for August, and today is my last chance to join the party.

June 1st was the start date for the Lighthouse Inn Mystery , designed by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr of Modern Quilt Studio. I kept up pretty well with the weekly clues, which had us making 18 blocks most weeks for the first four weeks. You can see my original blocks in THIS POST. After the blocks were made, they all got sliced in half diagonally, then a light half block got joined to a corresponding dark half. Then those sets of new blocks all got trimmed down to different sizes. Here is a photo of all of my blocks after that stage was complete.

The next step was adding background, then the final layout. Every block  gets background added to two sides. Here are my blocks and background for the upper portion of the quilt. The background is sewn to the blocks, but they have not all been stitched together yet. The top edge will get trimmed straight across after everything is joined together.

My One Monthly Goal for August is to get all of my blocks and background joined together into a completed quilt top. It is slow work to keep everything oriented in the right direction, plus I have to do lots of pinning to have the diagonal rows line up correctly. I'm very eager to see how this quilt top will look when it is assembled.

For lots more great photos of other Lighthouse Inn quilts, check out the Modern Quilt Studio Patterns and Fabrics Facebook group (you don't have to be a member.) You can find out how to join the Lighthouse Inn mystery at the Modern Quilt Studio website HERE.

I'm linking up with the One Monthly Goal party at Stories from the Sewing Room. Check it out to see what other quilters are hoping to accomplish this month! I'm also linking up with Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication and Wednesday Wait Loss at Inquiring Quilter.

Happy quilting!

Julie in GA


  1. Oh I'm anxious too to see how this turns out! So far it is gorgeous. Love, love, love it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Ooh, this is going to be awesome! Thanks for linking up.

  3. I love your color choices and the blackbackground. It's going to be a wonderful quilt.


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