Saturday, June 8, 2024

Scrappy Spinners

It seems that my routine for working on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects in recent months has been to start with one of the easy blocks that requires very little cutting. This month that meant my Rail Fence Spinner blocks. All that's needed are 1.5" x 3.5" strips, this month using the blue scraps. I made 9 blocks.

When I went to add these to the bin that contains the blocks from previous months, I discovered two more blocks that had been made from last year's Rail Fence project leftovers. Now I have eleven blue blocks.

Since we are into our sixth month of RSC scrappiness, it seemed like a good time to get a photo of all the colors together.

These blocks finish at 6" each, and I will probably wind up with enough blocks at the end of the year for one throw quilt or two baby quilts. I love the way the background strips form little spinners too!

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Double design blocks are always such fun. You've got a great color distirbution so far.

  2. Aren't those pretty?! They definitely do make a fun design!

  3. Looking great! These blocks will make a couple of fun baby quilts. I love building quilts month by month.

  4. Last comment from Gail at the Cozy quilter

  5. Great blocks, beautiful colors! What a good idea to set them as spinners.

  6. I love, love, love seeing all the colors together!

  7. Seeing all of the colors together was terrific! It will be a Wow finish! I too liked seeing the secondary spinners! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects


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