Saturday, October 12, 2024

Rail Fence Spinners Quilt Top #1

One of my 2024 projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge has been the Rail Fence Spinner blocks that I started making as a way to use up leftover Rail Fence blocks from a 2023 RSC project. I counted up my 6" blocks at the end of September and had 75. I made five more blocks using black and brown scraps, our colors for September. 

Adding those last blocks brought my block total up to 80, which could have been joined together 8 x 10 to make a small throw quilt that would measure 48" x 60" before borders. However, I couldn't decide if I liked them better set straight or on point. I chose to make both versions as baby quilts. Here is Rail Fence Spinners #1 with the blocks set in straight rows. 

Rail Fence Spinners #1
42.5" x 54.5"

I auditioned several different fabric for the border and ended up choosing this fun print with all the colors of the rainbow in it.

I've got the remaining Rail Fence Spinners blocks joined together on point, just waiting for the borders to be added. I hope to get that top done before next Saturday.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Very cute!!! The border is just perfect with all the colors of the spinners.

  2. Oh, I love your straight set spinners, and the border is perfection. Knowing your talent, the on point setting will be amazing as well.

  3. Nice! And the border print works so well.

  4. Those Rail Fence Spinners look great either way you set them, Julie!

  5. This is a great RSC project - looking forward to seeing the next lot on point.

  6. Your rail fence spinners make such a fun quilt, Julie! That border is perfect to go with them. Looking forward to seeing quilt #2!

  7. It's so fun to see how different a quilt looks when set straight or on point. Great job! I believe you found the perfect border fabric for the Rail Fence Spinner #1 quilt.

  8. Such a pretty quilt! I'm making these blocks too (inspired by yours) and it's fun to see different settings. Great border too.


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