Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 9/1/2024

My main quilting focus for the past week has been on quilt guild projects. We had a community service sewing day on Thursday, with about a dozen guild members working together to make simple tote bags. The bags will go to the church where our guild meets to be included in the shoebox gifts they put together for children.

Earlier in the week, I pulled out some fabrics from my stash and precut 23 bags for the sewing day. I was able to use up some older pieces, and it got 13 yards of fabric out of my stash. Here are the fabrics that became tote bags. Some of the pieces were large enough to cut multiple bags (6 of the bright colored hearts), and there was only enough for one bag of some of the other fabrics.

I believe we finished over 60 bags at our sewing day, and a few of us took some home for the final steps. This photo shows 13 bags that I finished off the next day. Many were made from the fabrics I contributed, and a few fabrics came from others. That dinosaur fabric is especially cute!

Also coming up for the quilt guild is our participation in an annual Christmas market. This week I was able to finish my first project for that, a tablerunner made from a border-stripe floral print that I won at last year's guild auction. I used 1.25 yards for the runner.

There was a little bit of non-guild related stash usage last week too. I used 3/8 yard to make the orange blocks #32 - 35 of the Birthday Blocks by Edyta Sitar at Laundry Basket Quilts. You can see my blocks in yesterday's post.

Used last week:                 14.625 yards
Used year to date:             83.625 yards
Added last week:                    0.0 yards
Added year to date:               60.0 yards
Net used in 2024:          23.625 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. Besides cutting and stitching tote bags, I have a few more tablerunners that got pieced last week and are ready for quilting. Today I should prep a hand-stitching project for an upcoming trip.

15 Minute Challenge for 2024
8/25 - 8/31               7 of 7 days
2024 Total          241 of 244 days
Success rate                 98.8 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Very fun bags! That dinosaur fabric is really cute. Another good week of great metrics.

  2. The bags are a nice addition to the Christmas packages -- and a good stashbuster! You are SO good with stash management.

  3. Great numbers and for a good cause.


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