Sunday, September 22, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 9/22/2024

The past week has been a busy one, with all of my quilting time devoted to a variety of quilt guild activities. We had a board meeting on Monday, and our regular meeting was on Thursday, which was the guild's annual auction. Guild members donate quilting/sewing related items which are laid out on long tables with brown paper bags taped to the tables next to each item. We buy tickets and place them in the bags for the items we wish to win. Here are some of the items I donated.

Green ikat panel

Halloween panel

Santa panel

Stripes, checks and plaids

Heart appliques/blocks

Chilhowie blocks (Bonnie Hunter 2022 mystery)

In addition to everything shown, there were several other plaid and stripe fabrics, plus a few more Christmas panels. Donations from my stash totaled 19.875 yards. I also donated one book and some spools of thread.

I also won a few prizes, fortunately much less than I donated. One of them was this bundle of blue fabrics, which total 4.25 yards.

The prize I was most excited to win was this bin of light/low volume strips. I haven't had much time to go through them yet, but I foresee using them in all sorts of wonderful projects. I estimated the yardage at 7.5 yards by weight. I also won a book and a set of rotary rulers.

On top of all that fabric moving in and out of my stash, I have been busy finishing more placemats for the guild Christmas market. I made eight from a wonderful harvest print that seemed perfect for Thanksgiving.

I also finished another set that feature a very old Hoffman print from the late 1990's/early 2000s.

Each set of 4 placemats used 1.75 yards of fabric. When I added everything together, the totals came to 25.125 yards used/donated from the stash and 11.75 yards added. 

Used last week:                25.125 yards
Used year to date:              110.5 yards
Added last week:                 11.75 yards
Added year to date:             88.75 yards
Net used in 2024:            21.75 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. The whole week felt like a race to get things together for the guild auction and to finish the placemats for the Christmas market. I hope to complete the last set of placemats today, and then I should be able to get back to some of my neglected on-going projects.

15 Minute Challenge for 2024
9/15 - 9/21               7 of 7 days
2024 Total          260 of 265 days
Success rate                 98.1 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. More stash then in is always a good week. Happy stitching this week.

  2. Julie, can you tell me the name of the block you used for the placemats. I love kaleidoscope type blocks and that looks like a very intereting one. I need to get bakc to quilting, if it ever cools off. (And now that I've said that, we'll probably have frost in the next 2 weeks).


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