Monday, March 3, 2025

One Monthly Goal--March 2025

The beginning of March seemed to come up very quickly, as February just came and went. Maybe it will help if I try to plan ahead a little more, at least as far as my quilting goes. I'm joining in with the One Monthly Goal link-up, hosted by Anne-Marie at Stories from the Sewing Room.

My goal for this month was easy to decide because I have a project with a deadline. The guild that I belong to has been making the Sewcialites 2 quilt as a Block of the Month, and we have reached the end of the challenge. It's time to join the blocks together and finish my quilt. Here are all my blocks together, plus one extra to finish with a total of 25 blocks. By the way, the finished size of my blocks is 3". There are some seriously tiny pieces in these blocks!

Sewcialites 2 originally ran as a weekly block program at Fat Quarter Shop from October, 2022 until April, 2023. All of the block patterns are still available on the Fat Quarter Shop's website

I auditioned several options while deciding on a color for my setting fabric. I ended up choosing to go with the darkest option because I liked the drama of the strong contrast.

My One Monthly Goal for March is to get these blocks joined together into a finished top. The bonus goal would be to also get it quilted and bound, but that is not required for the guild challenge.

Linking up with:
One Monthly Goal at Stories from the Sewing Room
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Wednesday Wait Loss at Inquiring Quilter

Happy quilting!

Julie in GA


  1. Oh, my -- 3" blocks and all those pieces! More power to you, Julie!

  2. You did so well with all those tiny pieces! Good luck with your March Goal.

  3. I adore tiny blocks! These are amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.


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