Sunday, February 2, 2025

Stash Report and Stitching Time 2/2/2025

The past week was a busy one, with something going on every single day including doctor appointments, a guild sewing day, and buying a new laptop, something I've been dreading. There's still a lot for me to figure out on the new one, but I should be able to manage a blog post.

All of that running around meant less time in the sewing room. The only thing I have to share for the stash report today is a new set of fabric napkins. We have several sets of different seasonal napkins, but didn't really have any for winter. I came across two 1-yard pieces of a giant paisley print in my stash and decided they would be a good choice. This napkin measures about 18" square and should give a good idea of the scale of the print.

I was able to make eight napkins from the two yards of fabric (two of them are already in use.)

Used last week:                      2.0 yards
Used year to date:                14.0 yards
Added last week:                    0.0 yards
Added year to date:                0.0 yards
Net used in 2025:              14.0 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. Despite the very busy week, I was able to spend some time in the sewing room every single day.

15 Minute Challenge for 2025
1/26 - 2/1                7 of 7 days
2024 Total            32 of 32 days
Success rate                100 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. What a great way to use that larger print. It's hard to find a way to use those as anything other than backings. Great metrics for the year so far.

  2. Great napkins for the winter! We love using cloth napkins too, but I've never made them from my own stash. Will need to do that one day.

  3. Great numbers so far! Good luck setting up the new computer. I always dread that too :).


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