Saturday, January 25, 2025

Placemats in Pink

One of my plans for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year is to start fewer new quilts and finish up more of the older ones. I have multiple sets of rainbow blocks from past years that are waiting to become quilt tops, and there are even more quilt tops ready to be quilted. 

One newish RSC project that I've started is making placemats featuring our color of the month. For January, that is pink. I sorted through my collection of orphan blocks and project leftovers, pulling out an assortment of pink blocks and parts. Two of the blocks I found had been made to test out a jelly roll quilt pattern I was considering a few years ago called Definitely Positive.

I didn't end up making that pattern (although I still like it,) and the blocks ended up in the extras/orphans box. I still had more of some of the fabrics, and it was easy to convert the two blocks into placemats. I even used a fabric with coffee beans to fit with the January theme for the Table Scraps Challenge at The Joyful Quilter.

My placemat goal is to average one placemat every week of the year. After the two orphan block placemats were done, I turned to my drawer of 3" strips. These are the remains from a guild strip exchange more than 20 years ago, and I keep trying to work my way through them. I was able to make three scrappy placemats, using up almost all of the pink strips in the drawer.

There was one other pink placemat made earlier this month. It was made for the first Project Quilting challenge of the year, and our theme was "Mythical Creatures." The block is a Judy Martin pattern called "Pygmalion," from her book Scraps, Blocks and Quilts. You can read more about this one in my post HERE.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday, and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. I will also link up with the Table Scraps Challenge at The Joyful Quilter when it opens on Friday.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Turning orphan blocks into quilted placemats is such a fun idea. You get to enjoy the blocks and they more out of the orphan collection. They look great!

  2. I credit you for inspiring me to take on a placemat project in 2025. (I've got four awaiting binding right now.)

  3. What a great project to use up those odds and ends. You ended up with some very cool placements for the month.

  4. Love the idea of taking orphan blocks and turning them into placemats. The project quilting placemat is particularly appealing.

  5. Lovely pink star in the Project Quilting placemat. Your others are a great use of orphans!

  6. Pretty pink placemats! I love your idea turning orphan blocks into placemats and focus on older projects.

  7. Perfect use of those PINK orphan blocks, Julie! Thanks for linking up with the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge.

  8. Hi Julie, those are all great placemats. It's so satisfying to use up orphan blocks or even scraps in general!


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