Sunday, December 29, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 12/29/2024

We are just a couple days from the end of 2024, and I've had a good year with my stash report goals. Every year my general goal is to use more fabric from the stash than I add to it. Unless something changes dramatically in the next few days, my total usage for the year will be close to the same as the last two years, around 135 - 140 yards used. Even better is the fact that the yardage added for the year will be significantly less than recent years (15 - 30 yards less than 2023 or 2022.)

There was some stash usage over the past week. The largest amount, 2.75 yards of this fun chili pepper print, was used to make a pair of pajama pants as a Christmas gift. 

I used another 1.5 yards for the sashing and borders on the Hen & Chicks Sampler that I shared in yesterday's post. I also used 1 yard for more placemats, the three made as a gift for my mother, plus this one that I made yesterday.

The block in this placemat was made almost exactly one year ago as a sample for a possible Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. I didn't enjoy piecing the block and abandoned the idea for the RSC. I'm glad to get the block out of the box of orphan blocks and piecing leftovers. This bring my total number of placemats made this year to an even 80!

The total fabric used for the week totals 5.25 yards, and there was no new fabric added to the stash this week. Next week's post will include the final numbers for 2024 plus the beginning of 2025.

Used last week:                    5.25 yards
Used year to date:               136.0 yards
Added last week:                     0.0 yards
Added year to date:           117.25 yards
Net used in 2024:            18.75 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. I'm trying to finish assembling some of my collections of blocks from Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects into finished tops before the end of the year, and I was very happy to complete the Hen & Chicks Sampler top this week. I'd love to get one more done before the year is over!

15 Minute Challenge for 2024
12/22 - 12/28           7 of 7 days
2024 Total         358 of 363 days
Success rate               98.6 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups. 

Happy quilting everyone, and Happy New Year!

Julie in GA


  1. You are ending the year strong on both the stash and stitching metrics. Hoping that 2025 is even better on both fronts! Have a very happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on the stash usage for the year. I haven't figured mine yet. I'm hoping I've used more than I brought in. I think it helps that I don't record fabric out until the quilt is finished. I hope my numbers are as good as yours! Happy New Years.

  3. Your fabric acquisition and use are SO impressive (esp. the acquisition). I understand why you only made one of the star blocks--but it works so well as the centerpiece of the placemat. Here's to 2025!

  4. Happy New Year! The star block is amazing, but I can see why you decided not to make a whole quilt of them.


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