Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 6/23/2024

There is only one more week until the end of June, and I'm trying hard to catch up with my on-going projects. This week I managed to make the monthly blocks for three different quilts.

Up first were two tiny little 3" blocks for our guild's block of the month, Sewcialites 2. This quilt-along originally ran as a weekly block program at Fat Quarter Shop from October, 2022 until April, 2023. All of the block patterns are still available on the Fat Quarter Shop's website. These are blocks #7 & 8.

Sewcialites 2, 3" blocks 

To really give an idea of how small these blocks are, I'm also showing them along with the 9" blocks I made earlier in the month. The general opinion when I showed the 3" blocks at our recent guild meeting was that I am nuts for making anything that small, and I can't say they are wrong.

Sewcialites 2, 3" & 9" blocks 

After those were done, I needed to do something easier. Thank goodness for Jen's Color Challenge blocks. This month's color choice was inspired by the Harlequin Rasboras, a raspberry colored tropical fish. I've been making two blocks each month, one using two shades of the monthly color and the other combining the monthly color with a dark blue background. These blocks will finish at 12".

Jen's Color Challenge , June blocks

We are halfway through the year on this project, and it seemed like a good time to check out my color combinations. The two-color blocks are a very colorful, cheery group.

As you can see in the next photo, I've used a few different dark blue background fabrics for these blocks. I didn't have enough of any single background for them. The dark fabrics really make the bright colors stand out.

I'm very happy with the way both sets of blocks are coming together. I should be able to make two colorful kid's quilts from them at the end of the year. 

Making all of these BOM blocks made a small dent in the stash. The blocks shown above plus the Hollow 9-Patch blocks shared in yesterday's post used a total of 3/4 yard of fabric, and there was no new fabric added to the stash this week.

Used last week:                      .75 yards
Used year to date:                 38.5 yards
Added last week:                     0.0 yards
Added year to date:               32.0 yards
Net used in 2024:                6.5 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. On top of all of the BOM blocks, I also finished up some clothing alterations that have been needing to get done. It was a great relief to get those out of the way!

15 Minute Challenge for 2024: 
6/16 - 6/22               7 of 7 days
2024 Total          171 of 174 days
Success rate                 98.3 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Blue Scrappy Squares

Forward movement on my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge has been a little slow, but I did manage to finish off my set of Hollow 9-Patch blocks for this month. I'm making these from 2.5" squares, and the blocks will finish at 6".

I love making these very easy blocks that are a wonderful showcase for so many different fabrics!

There's just over a week left in June, and I hope to finish up at least two more sets of blue blocks for the month. It's expected to be quite hot here all week, which helps keep me inside and quilting.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 6/16/2024

It's amazing to me how quickly the days slip by at times. I'm having a hard time believing that we are approaching the end of June, nearly halfway through 2024. I've been quilting away nearly every day, but haven't done very well at sharing my projects. Part of my problem is that I'd rather keep on cutting and sewing than take photos and write a blog post, but tracking and sharing my quilts is the main reason I have this blog in the first place. It's time to get on top of things and document some of my recent projects. 

Here's one recently finished small project, a fidget quilt that was made as part of a guild sewing day. Fidget quilts are small quilts with many different textures and/or parts that can be opened and closed or changed. They are made for Alzheimer's patients and others who need a way to keep their hands occupied. Mine includes a zipper and a buckle that can both be opened and closed, plus some ribbons woven together, elastic bands attached to a metal ring, and other textual items. The finished size is 18" square.

The back of this fidget quilt is a fleece with shadowy trees and mountains. It seemed like the softness of the fleece would be soothing. I used a total of 5/8 yard of fabric for this little quilt.

Two pieces of solids were added to the stash this week, both intended for a current project. I'm participating in the Lighthouse Inn Mystery designed by Modern Quilt Studio, and I needed yardage for my quilt's background (the navy.) The lavender piece will be added to the palette for my version of the mystery quilt. 4.5 yards total added to the stash.

Used last week:                    .625 yards
Used year to date:               37.75 yards
Added last week:                   4.50 yards
Added year to date:               32.0 yards
Net used in 2024:              5.75 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. I'm juggling too many projects right now, but having fun anyway. There has definitely been more than 15 minutes of quilting time every day this week!

15 Minute Challenge for 2024: 
6/9 - 6/15                 7 of 7 days
2024 Total          164 of 167 days
Success rate                 98.2 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 6/9/2024

My stash report for the past week covers a variety of projects, as is typical for me. That includes my Bite-Size Gems project from a recent workshop, plus my scrappy blue Rail Fence Spinners blocks, which were shared in yesterday's post. I also finished two new blocks for Sewcialites 2, our quilt guild's block of the month for this year.

I've been making the Sewcialites 2 blocks in three different sizes each month. These are 9" blocks, and I still need to make the 3" and 6" versions. I think I will simplify the 3" butterfly block, and I'm going to come up with a different block pattern for the 6" set. I'm using Christmas fabrics for those, and in my mind, a butterfly just doesn't fit with that group.

My total for fabric used this week came to 1.5 yards. I just received my order from a Memorial Day sale, but haven't totaled up the additions to the stash yet. That will be included in the count next week.

Used last week:                    1.50 yards
Used year to date:             37.125 yards
Added last week:                   0.00 yards
Added year to date:             27.50 yards
Net used in 2024:            9.625 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. It was a busy quilting week, with one new project started plus continued work on ongoing projects. I also went to one quilt museum exhibit and one quilt show (more on those later.) It was an excellent quilty week!

15 Minute Challenge for 2024: 
6/2 - 6/8                   7 of 7 days
2024 Total          157 of 160 days
Success rate                 98.1 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Scrappy Spinners

It seems that my routine for working on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects in recent months has been to start with one of the easy blocks that requires very little cutting. This month that meant my Rail Fence Spinner blocks. All that's needed are 1.5" x 3.5" strips, this month using the blue scraps. I made 9 blocks.

When I went to add these to the bin that contains the blocks from previous months, I discovered two more blocks that had been made from last year's Rail Fence project leftovers. Now I have eleven blue blocks.

Since we are into our sixth month of RSC scrappiness, it seemed like a good time to get a photo of all the colors together.

These blocks finish at 6" each, and I will probably wind up with enough blocks at the end of the year for one throw quilt or two baby quilts. I love the way the background strips form little spinners too!

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Monday, June 3, 2024

Learning New Skills

One of my favorite things about quilting is the huge variety of techniques and styles to explore. There's always a different way (or several) to do something and plenty of new things to learn. A couple weeks ago, I was lucky enough to take a class with MJ Kinman and try out her version of freezer paper piecing.

For those who aren't familiar with her name, MJ has become well known for her amazing gemstone quilts. Her quilts have been exhibited in galleries, museums, national competitions and private collections, plus featured in national publications. She has produced many quilts, including her Bourbon Diamonds series that "captures the fire and brilliance of Kentucky's iconic spirit."

"Between River and Sky", 69" x 71"
from the Bourbon Diamonds series, 2018
by MJ Kinman

Our guild was able to have MJ spend a couple days with us in May, with a presentation about her quilts and techniques one day, followed by a workshop the next. Our class was "Bite-Size Gems", and we learned MJ's method for freezer paper piecing which uses the freezer paper as templates, with no sewing to the paper or needing to tear it out afterwards.

from the Diamond Diva series 
by MJ Kinman

The inspiration for my gem block was MJ's "Elizabeth" pattern, shown above. I didn't include the blue tones shown in her quilt, sticking to all neutrals in my block. It was pieced in four quadrants, and the first couple of them (the right side) turned out too dark, but I felt like the colors in the left side quadrants worked better.

My Bite-Size Gem, 16" square

I was so glad we got to spend some time with MJ, seeing her quilts and learning her techniques. She also shared lots of great information about using colors, a topic of interest to many of us. I purchased a couple of her patterns and can't wait to give them a try!

I highly recommend that you check out MJ's website: to see more of her quilts and the many patterns and kits she has available. She has also published a book, Gemstone Quilts, that includes images of many of her gorgeous quilts, plus it will teach you how to design and make your own gemstone quilts.

Linking up with:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at Inquiring Quilter

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Stash Report and Stitching Time 6/2/2024

It sure seems like there should be more to include in my stash report this week, but I'm holding off on counting a couple of projects until I get some photos and share them on the blog. What I am counting this week is 1/2 yard used in two sets of blocks for Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects. These are the blocks I made this week for the RSC Hen & Chicks Sampler and the Birthday Blocks by Edyta Sitar at Laundry Basket Quilts.

Used last week:                      .50 yards
Used year to date:             35.625 yards
Added last week:                   0.00 yards
Added year to date:             27.50 yards
Net used in 2024:            8.125 yards

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. I finally completed my quilt show entry, just in time to turn it in for the show this afternoon. I've also been making blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, plus pulling fabrics for a new mystery quilt-along.

15 Minute Challenge for 2024: 
5/26 - 6/1                 7 of 7 days
2024 Total          150 of 153 days
Success rate                 98.0 %   

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch Challenge at Life in Pieces. Thanks so much to Donna and Kate for continuing to host these link-ups.

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pink Sampler Blocks

It took until the very last day of May, but I did manage to finish off my last two sets of pink blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Here are my blocks for Hen & Chicks, the RSC 2024 sampler quilt. I'm making these blocks from batiks.

My other set of RSC blocks for the week were the latest of the Birthday Blocks by Edyta Sitar at Laundry Basket Quilts. For these I am alternating using a white or black background on each block.

These blocks work well together since all of them (except the mini blocks) finish at the same size, 6". The little blocks are 3"

It may be a couple days before I have a chance to start digging through the blues and working on my blocks for June. I know there are always plenty of of blue scraps around here (and every other color too!)

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA
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