Monday, June 3, 2024

Learning New Skills

One of my favorite things about quilting is the huge variety of techniques and styles to explore. There's always a different way (or several) to do something and plenty of new things to learn. A couple weeks ago, I was lucky enough to take a class with MJ Kinman and try out her version of freezer paper piecing.

For those who aren't familiar with her name, MJ has become well known for her amazing gemstone quilts. Her quilts have been exhibited in galleries, museums, national competitions and private collections, plus featured in national publications. She has produced many quilts, including her Bourbon Diamonds series that "captures the fire and brilliance of Kentucky's iconic spirit."

"Between River and Sky", 69" x 71"
from the Bourbon Diamonds series, 2018
by MJ Kinman

Our guild was able to have MJ spend a couple days with us in May, with a presentation about her quilts and techniques one day, followed by a workshop the next. Our class was "Bite-Size Gems", and we learned MJ's method for freezer paper piecing which uses the freezer paper as templates, with no sewing to the paper or needing to tear it out afterwards.

from the Diamond Diva series 
by MJ Kinman

The inspiration for my gem block was MJ's "Elizabeth" pattern, shown above. I didn't include the blue tones shown in her quilt, sticking to all neutrals in my block. It was pieced in four quadrants, and the first couple of them (the right side) turned out too dark, but I felt like the colors in the left side quadrants worked better.

My Bite-Size Gem, 16" square

I was so glad we got to spend some time with MJ, seeing her quilts and learning her techniques. She also shared lots of great information about using colors, a topic of interest to many of us. I purchased a couple of her patterns and can't wait to give them a try!

I highly recommend that you check out MJ's website: to see more of her quilts and the many patterns and kits she has available. She has also published a book, Gemstone Quilts, that includes images of many of her gorgeous quilts, plus it will teach you how to design and make your own gemstone quilts.

Linking up with:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at Inquiring Quilter

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA 


  1. I've read about MJ's quilts on line. Lucky you to have her come to your guild. I like your Bite-Size Gem. Learning new techniques and trying new patterns makes quilting a life-long learning experience.

  2. Oh, wow. What a great class! MJK's quilts are astounding.

  3. Sounds like a very fun class. Those gem quilts are pretty amazing.

  4. What a terrific class. I like your Bite Size Gem. I don't see that it is too dark. Learning new techniques helps us stretch our boundaries and vary our toolboxes! TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  5. Sounds like an awesome class! Love your little bite sized gem. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Your gem turned out very well, wonderful use of shades of gray ,well done!

  7. Wonderful block. I will check out her website!


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