Saturday, July 13, 2024

Aqua Scrappiness

We are approaching the middle of July, and I'm just now getting going with my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I finally had some time available this week to start pulling out my aqua, turquoise and teal scraps, our assigned colors for July. The first set of blocks to be completed were the Rail Fence Spinners. I made eight blocks with the blue-green scraps, plus one purple block because I needed one more of that color.

I've made a start on my Hollow 9-Patch blocks too and should have those done before next week. After that, there will be the RSC Hen & Chicks Sampler blocks to make, plus the Laundry Basket Quilts Birthday Blocks and a set of Terry blocks. That list makes me feel a little tired, but I hope to get them all done by the end of the month. 

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Good luck with the list! I hope you are never too tired to sew.

  2. Beautiful rail fence blocks. So many shades of aqua/teal/turquoise!

  3. I like the shading you are doing - very nice

  4. Very pretty blocks, such cool teals and they make that purple pop. I'm amazed at how well you keep up with all the different block sets you have going this year.

  5. Your rail fence blocks continue to be terrific! These look so fun together!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects


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