
Saturday, February 24, 2024

A New Scrappy Project

Over the past several years, I've done a few projects inspired by Bonnie Hunter's Leader and Ender challenges. Every summer, Bonnie introduces a new block to be made while working on other projects. If you have the pieces all cut and waiting next to the machine, it's amazing how much you can get done without really trying. For an explanation of how leaders and enders work, check out Bonnie's page HERE.

I've done a couple of leader/ender projects recently with the goal of making one block for every day of the year. I didn't always succeed at that goal, but I've come close. These have included my Square Dance blocks in 2020 (near the bottom of the page,) Bowties in 2021 (HERE and HERE,) and the Rail Fence blocks in 2022 & '23.

I hadn't come up with a plan for a daily block to make this year until about a week ago. I've been seeing photos of some wonderful colorwash quilts made by Terry Rowland of T Row Studios. I haven't been able to find a blog or website for her, but she is active on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. She has a series of three YouTube videos demonstrating how to make this amazing quilt.

The blocks are extremely easy to make and perfect for using up scraps. Each block finishes at only 3" square (although it would be simple enough to make them larger too.) I spent one afternoon cutting up red scraps, our color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and ended up with this. Each little stack will become one block.

Most of my blocks so far have been made as leaders and enders, although I did finish off a couple extras for the photo this morning. Once again, my goal is to average one block every day. Some days I might not get any made, but other days there will be a few.

The block with the white wavy stripes on red really jumps out at me and might not work for the colorwash effect. I'll wait to see how it looks when I have blocks made in more colors. 

I should be able to finish the rest of the red blocks before the end of February. I'd also like to start a set of green blocks, our color from January, but I'm not sure I'll have time to get very far on that this month. The greens might spill over into future months.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Leave the block with the stripes. When those blocks are all joined and it is in a big quilt you will not even notice it. Love the blocks you have mad so far. You have earned your stripes!

  2. A very fun leaders and enders project for this year.

  3. What a fun leader and ender project! I like your goal of making a block a day when you can. That would mean you are making progress on another project as well! My leader and ender project will be on year three soon. . .I probably ought to consider moving it forward in another way! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  4. Good choice, Julie! I've seen a number of those around the internet. LOVE them SEW much!! I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress through a rainbow of scraps.

  5. Brilliant Julie! I've been thinking of making something like this for some time, but hadn't worked out how to fit it in my time. Combining this with the RSC is the answer. I'll be unashamedly copying your idea and starting soon! Thanks for this post.

  6. Hi Julie I am so pleased you found my videos. I am blown away with all the interest in this project. My Terry Blocks (as some are calling them ) has become a phenomenon. I love seeing each and every one of them because they are unique to the quilter that curated the scraps to create their own masterpieces
