
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stash Report Sunday 10/5/14

My stash usage this week was small, just 1/2 yard for more Boston Fiesta blocks and 1/8 yard for my last orange hexie snowflake.

I made a brief visit to a quilt show yesterday, but didn't have enough time to visit the vendors. It's just as well I guess--kept me from adding to my stash!

Used this week:                           .625 yards
Used year to date:                 109.625 yards

Stashed this week:                       0  yards
Stashed year to date:               98.0 yards 

Net year to date:   
                   11.625 yards used  

Check out more stash reports at Patchwork Times.

Julie in GA


  1. It takes a lot of time to make hexies and the ones you made look fantastic!

  2. I love the hexies! I have a bunch in a bin that I keep meaning to get to but haven't. Yours are inspiring. :) ~Melanie

  3. Beautiful oranges in those blocks. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt.

  4. Your lovely work has shown me that I really like orange!
