
Monday, October 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday 10/6/14

A couple weeks ago I pulled out some old UFO blocks to use as leaders/enders while working on other projects. I had 32 blocks already made, and have made an additional 32 blocks recently, with only another 16 blocks left to go. I was so close to finishing those last 16 yesterday, but didn't quite get there. 

Unfortunately, when I was working on my last batch of blocks, I discovered that I should have been pressing my seams differently. If I press all the seams away from the pale yellow, it is easier to nestle the seams when joining blocks together. Why couldn't I have figured that out after making my first six blocks, instead of when I have 74 blocks done and only six blocks to go?!

I call this project my Boston Fiesta quilt. Boston because that is where I bought the fabrics back in 2005, and Fiesta because the colors make me think of Mexican food--avocado green, yellow corn tortillas, orange cheese. This is making me hungry! The block is a quarter log cabin variation. I saw a quilt made with this block at the AQS-Paducah show in 2004 and knew I would make one of my own someday. 

I am linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times where you can see all sorts of amazing quilting inspiration! 

Julie in GA


  1. Oh how fun! The blocks look like they are vibrating. Love your name for it. It will feel so good when you can check this one off of your UFO list.

  2. What lively blocks! Am I right that that's striped fabric (third round), not 1.5" squares pieced together?

  3. I like the name for this. That block shows great movement. Nice job. Ugh on the pressing issue.

  4. Love the optical effects you get with those blocks. Love the name, it fits so well.
