
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

To-Do Tuesday 1/11/2022

Welcome to another Tuesday To-Do List! Today we will review how I did on my previous list. then come up with a new set of goals for the week ahead. The Tuesday To-Do List link-up is hosted by Linda at Texas Quilt Gal.

Most of my time last week was spent on goal #1, but I also completed two of the three other goals--not a bad week at all!

To-Do List for 1/4/22 - 1/10/22
1. Project Quilting 13.1--finish entry   ✔done
I finished my Rainbow Accordion quilt, and I love it! I can't resist sharing my favorite photo again.

2. Rainbow LeMoyne baby quilt--continue quilting    nothing done
3. Bowties 365--continue making 4" blocks  ✔done
I finished 12 red and 48 teal/turquoise blocks this week.
4. Charm Baskets--start making red blocks  ✔done
I made five red basket blocks to go with the two made earlier.

My regular projects all got pushed aside last week while I worked on the Project Quilting entry. This week I plan to do lots of prep work for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects, and hope to do a little machine quilting.
To-Do List for 1/11/22 - 1/17/22
1. Rainbow LeMoyne baby quilt--quilting (my OMG for January)
2. Bowties 365--continue making 4" blocks
3. Charm Baskets--make more red blocks
4. Hearts Applique--prep red, stitch at least one block
5. Pull a red UFO to work on
6. Pull or make center block for SAHRR

I'll report on my progress and post a new set of goals next Tuesday. I'm linking up with other To-Do Tuesday lists at Texas Quilt Gal.

Julie in GA 


  1. Oh my, first visit so happy you showed your rainbow accordion quilt, it is beautiful.All the best with the quilting and applique.

  2. Your Project Quilting quilt is magnificent! The accordion effect is amazing, and your rainbow shades are perfect for it. Nice job! Your charm baskets are really cute.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  3. The Rainbow Accordion quilt is just gorgeous. You still made a lot of progress even if you didn't get to everything on your list. Hope this week has been as good.
