
Saturday, July 10, 2021

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 28, 2021

July seems to be speeding by very quickly, and I am trying to stay on track with my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects. It's a good thing that one project, the Scrap Magnet blocks, already got done a few months ago when we had light blue as our color.

There was one evening this week when I had a small chunk of time for quilting, but wanted to sit and sew rather than stand and cut, which is what most of my RSC projects needed. I discovered that I had some Glorified 9-Patch blocks that had been started back in April when our color of the month was light blue. I finished those blocks, then made three more in dark blues the next day.

I made some more of the Homespun blocks this week, using our alternate colors of the month, black and brown. 
As you can see, the center seam on each block has not been stitched. I'm tentatively planning to use these blocks at the ends of the rows to get a staggered block setting. (FYI, the staggered setting was not my idea. It is one of the versions of the Homespun design included in the pattern.) I pulled out a few other blocks to see how they looked together. Eventually there will be a total of 18 whole blocks and 4 half blocks.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday.

Julie in GA


  1. Half blocks--nice idea! That will be a striking setting. Love the glorified nine patch blocks.

  2. Homespun is looking great! Love the half blocks.

  3. I love your staggered layout with the star blocks, Julie, and the glorified 9-patch blocks look great, too. I can totally relate to needing to be in the right mood for each stage of the project.

  4. That's a neat idea to split some of the Homespun blocks! They look great that way!

  5. Oh! Those blocks are so yummy! It’s going to be one amazing quilt!

  6. Love the Homespun blocks in a staggered layout. Sew fun!

  7. Amazing the twinkle the colourful background adds to your blocks, beautiful projects.

  8. I really like the staggered setting for the Homestead blocks. I also really like those blocks, but I don't need to make another big quilt.

  9. Wow! Great setting and the half blocks were a stroke of genius!

  10. Wow! I love that staggered setting!

  11. I like the staggered setting! I agree, July is speeding by! I better get a move on!

  12. The Home Spun blocks are going to make a very cute quilt. The staggered setting really works well. The Glorified 9 patches look good too.

  13. Look at you sew! I haven't even gotten out my RSC scraps out this month. Thanks for sharing your lovely blocks with Oh Scrap!

  14. I love the homespun blocks! Great idea to keep the darker colors for the half blocks. They'll be like a frame around the more colorfun ones.

  15. Which pattern did you use for the glorified 9 patch? I love the look of your blocks. I’ve seen several ways of doing the glorified 9 patch which is why I’m asking. It’s the quilt that my parents had on their bed that was made by my great grandmother. It’s been on my list to make for a long time.
