
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tuesday To-Do List 9/1/2020

September is here, schools are back in session (in one way or another), and it is time once again for the To-Do Tuesday Weekly Progress Update and Link-up hosted by Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us. I finished two of my goals from last week, and the third took a turn in the other direction.

To-do list for 8/25 - 8/31:
1. Orange Peels--finish joining blocks together                      done
This was the top priority for the week, and it happened right away. I have a finished quilt top and am thrilled with how it turned out! I've been sharing this photo all over the place, but here it is one last time. You can read more about this quilt HERE.
Orange Peel Rainbow, 36.5" x 48.5"

2. Dresden Stars--start quilting borders                                done
The borders are completely quilted, but that left the setting and corner triangles looking too poofy and full. I've added more quilting in those areas, which should help even things out. I'm not sure yet if it was enough; I might need to do even more quilting.

Borders quilted, setting triangles need more

Additional quilting added to setting triangles

3. Continue cleaning up the sewing room (the never-ending goal!)
The cleaning of the sewing room took a u-turn this week because I had to pack up all of my belongings/books/tools at work and bring them home. This was my first opportunity to do so since the building closed for the pandemic. It means I have to find places to put even more things, many of them in the sewing room.

To-do list for 9/1 - 9/7/2020
1. Orange Peel quilt--prepare for quilting
2. Dresden Stars--apply binding, wash and block to straighten/flatten out
3. RSC Square Dance--make 8 red/orange blocks
4. Sewing room cleaning--sort through the boxes I brought home from work

That should be more than enough to keep me busy for the next week. I'll report on my progress and post a new set of goals next Tuesday. I'm linking up with other To-Do Tuesday lists at Home Sewn by Us .

Julie in GA


  1. Congrats on a completed to do list. Fingers crossed that all the fullness disappears once the quilt is washed and dried. Good luck with this week's to do list.

  2. I love the Orange Peel quilt every time I see it! Hope you get Dresden Stars to behave! Finding room for more stuff is always a challenge! Good luck on all your to-dos,

  3. Oh! Goodness! If I had to pack up my classroom to bring it home it would indeed be a challenge to find space for everything! Your orange peel quilt is so lovely! The colorplay is amazing! Your Dresden Stars quilt is so lovely! I pray your stars align and, like other say, behave themselves!

  4. Hi Julie! Such a fun post to read and such beautiful photos. Orange peel is beyond fabulous. I love everything about it. Now how do you plan on quilting it?? The Dresden Stars came together so quickly, or so it seems. The quilting looks just perfect. You have to be pleased with all of your progress! Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. These quilts are so completely different, but I love BOTH of them equally! I love how you have such a great eye for working in both traditional and more contemporary styles.
