
Monday, August 31, 2020

Design Wall Monday 8/31/2020I

I finished joining together the rest of my Orange Peel blocks last week (you can see the finished quilt top HERE), then spent most of the remaining time in the sewing room quilting the borders on my Dresden Stars quilt. After the borders were all quilted, I lay the quilt out on a big table and made a sad discovery.

The borders and the blocks all lay nice and flat, but the setting triangles are too poofy (a very technical term!) You can especially see the fullness in the upper left triangles. I've already started adding more quilting to those areas and hope it helps smooth out the extra fullness. Fingers crossed!

Linking up with:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA 


  1. Dresden Stars is gorgeous! Well done!

  2. The setting triangles fabric is one of my favortes--I only have a few small scraps of it left...I think they should quilt out for you fingers x-ed
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. A make it work moment! I know you can.

  4. If your batting does not contain polyester try using some steam and spray starch to ease in the fullness.

  5. It's such a pretty quilt. Fingers crossed that it you can get it all worked out.
