
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Stitching and DeStashing--Week 2, 2020

Since the beginning of the new year, we have been trying out a new schedule at work. In the past we worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an hour for lunch. That had me getting home about 6:45 each evening. By the time we would have dinner, clean up, and make lunch for the next day, it was usually 8:00 to 8:30 before I could get into my sewing room. The new schedule has us starting an hour earlier and taking 30 minutes for lunch. That means I get done at 4:30 and home around 5:15. We've had decent weather most days and have been getting out for a walk before dinner. Exercising more regularly is a major goal for this year. That has also helped my energy levels, plus it's been great to have more time at home in the evenings.

You would think that the extra time would mean I'm using up lots of stash, but that hasn't been the case so far. I've been a little slow getting started on some new projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and most of the quilting time has been spent cutting. The Square Dance blocks that I showed in yesterday's post use so little fabric per block that I'm going to total them up at the end of the month. All that to say that there are no changes to my stash this week--nothing used and nothing added.

Used last week:                              0.0 yards
Used year to date:                          0.0 yards
Added last week:                            0.0 yards
Added year to date:                        0.0 yards
Net used year to date:                0.0 yards

Here's another arrangement of the Square Dance blocks. It's fun to play with different layouts of them, similar to the variations with log cabin blocks.

Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch challenge at Life in Pieces has us tracking how many days each week we get in at least 15 minutes of quilting time. I'm at 100% after the first week and a half of 2020, and I hope to continue strong!

15 Minute Challenge:  
1/5 - 1/11                  7 of 7 days
2020 Total               11 of 11 days

Check out more stash reports at quiltpaintcreate and join the 15 Minutes to Stitch challenge at Life in Pieces. Many thanks to Donna and to Kate for hosting both of these link-ups!

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. I love your green blocks. I'ts fun to work with colors. I should be doing that, but I've not been motivated. I've quilted daily, but....

  2. Your new work schedule sounds much nicer, especially if you can get a walk in before dinner. You are off to a great start for 2020 on working in the stitching time. The stash numbers will come, some projects it just takes a bit to build up the momentum.

  3. Sounds like a good change to your work schedule - hope it continues to work for you and you get a little more time for sewing!
