
Monday, August 28, 2017

Design Wall Monday 8/28/17

There was plenty of progress on the Ring Cycles quilt over the past week. I had hoped to finish making all the different units I needed for it, but didn't quite get them all done on Sunday. I'll probably wait until I have a finished top before I share any more photos--you can see the most recent in THIS POST.

Instead, I will share an old project that I started in 2013 as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This is my Scrap Hexies quilt. 

For close to a year and a half, I have been joining my hexie stars and snowflakes together. The photo above shows two panels on the left side, and on the right side two other panels have been stitched together. Next I will be stitching the two panels on the left to each other, then the two halves can become one. Progress is very slow because I only work on this occasionally while "watching" television, but I would love to finish getting the center of the quilt assembled. After that I will have to figure out what to do with the borders!

When it is finished, the quilt will hang horizontally as shown below. The grey fabric that you can see around and between the panels is the flannel of my design wall, not a part of this quilt.

I'm linking up to Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework, Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt, and Moving It Forward at Em's Scrapbag. Check out all of them for tons of amazing quilting inspiration! 

Julie in GA


  1. Really love your hexagon work...this will be so gorgeous...lovely colors hugs, Julierose

  2. Your hexies are looking so nice. Years ago I EPP'd a grandmother's flower garden quilt. It took me 8 years because I mainly worked on it in the summer when I didn't have time for other sewing. Easy to pick up and put back down. It's nice to have a go to project in the evenings.

  3. Your hexie quilt will be so beautiful when finished. I adore this work in progress. Have a great week! Andrea

  4. Hi Julie,
    WOWEE! I can see how much work and time you have put into this. WOW - it is beautiful and you did a really lovely job. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I think this is the first time I have seen this project. It is going to be amazing. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. This quilt has come such a long ways! It's going to be another beauty. But if you are like me, TV time is often a premium. Hopefully you'll have time this winter to finish it off.

  7. Your hexies are gorgeous! I save my hand stitching (applique) for "watching" television, too, and sometimes bring it along for waiting rooms at the doctor's office or sitting in a long carpool line outside the school. It's slow going for sure, but it IS relaxing (until the thread gets tangled and knots up on me -- then I'm shouting bad words in the doctor's office!).

  8. Hi Julie, love your hexie design. It's looking really nice, especially with the light colours (black and white?) defining each block. Good luck with it!

  9. This is a really good idea that you have going on. manufacturing
