
Saturday, July 29, 2017

RSC Ribbon Stars

Thanks to all who commented on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge post last week with your opinions on my Scrappy Trips blocks. I appreciate everyone's input. Unfortunately, you weren't very much help. The comments were almost evenly split between preferring the red blocks alone, the red and blue together, or no preference on the two choices. I have set the blocks aside for now until I am ready to make a decision on them.

In the meantime, I have been trying to catch up on my Ribbon Stars in blue. I've had all the triangles pieced for a couple weeks, but didn't get around to assembling the blocks until last night and this morning. I ended up with 17 blue Ribbon Star blocks for July.

Ribbon Stars, 7.5" blocks (finished size)

Since we are more than halfway through the year, I decided it was time to take a look at my different colors of Ribbon Stars together. I haven't made these blocks every month (no red or multi-color stars.) Apparently I started out using white/cream/beige background fabrics with the teal/turquoise blocks and the purples, then switched to the white-on-whites later. I'm not sure if I will combine the different type of backgrounds in one quilt or keep them separate. This photo shows approximately half of the blocks I have finished.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Bonnie Hunter would say that a light is a light it a light. I really like the way you set your Ribbon Stars together to get a feel for how they would look!! Sorry we weren't much help on last week's design decision. That's the way these things go sometimes! LOL

  2. Those ribbon stars might lend themselves more comfortably to various backgrounds than some other blocks. I would find myself in the same dilemma however. It's really fun to see the "opposite" block in the middle of each quadrant!

  3. Your blocks are lovely...I like that scrappy color look--hugs, Julierose

  4. I love your blocks as I'm doing the same. Since there are so many blocks called ribbon star, I prefer to call mine Friendship Star variation. Like you, I'm not quite sure how they will all come together in the end. However, they are opinionated blocks and will surely let me (and you) know. Have a great week!

  5. That is a lovely pattern and looks so nice with the mixed colors. Keep up the good work!

  6. The variation on the friendship stars to make them ribbon stars is so great. I love the way the blocks come together. This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  7. This is going to be beautiful. I don't mind the different light backgrounds at all.

  8. I like the block of a different color in each block of one color. It's going to be a another gorgeous quilt.

  9. Great block! I must have missed previous posts on this one. I like the mixture of lights. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. These stars look awesome! I like all of the different fabrics you've used. :)
