
Monday, October 27, 2014

Design Wall Monday 10/27/14

It's funny how the quilting rhythm comes and goes. Last month I made great progress on several projects, meeting all of my quilting goals plus a few extras. This month I am struggling to get anything accomplished.

Part of the problem is that I am reaching the point where I need to make decisions, which is always a challenge for me! I need to decide what to do for setting and borders on my Rainbow LeMoyne projects (see them both here.) I also need borders for the Boston Fiesta quilt. The Surrounded by Love baby quilt is ready to be layered and quilted, which is not my favorite part of the process. I would much rather keep on piecing.

Instead of dealing with any of my decision-making obstacles, last night I avoided them all and worked on an old UFO that has been my leader and ender project for a couple of months. I don't know the name of this pattern or when it was started, at least 12-15 years ago. I found the parts in a box along with a block or two made up. Now all of the pieces have been joined together, and it doesn't do much for me. Usually I really like the fall colors together, but this just doesn't excite me. Not sure where I will go with it now (probably back into a box.) Yet another decision for me to avoid making!

I am linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times where you can see all sorts of amazing quilting inspiration! 

Julie in GA


  1. I frequently use my retreat time for such decisions. Remember, Hillary said "It takes a village to raise a child". Well, when someone in our group needs a decision she'll holler, "I need a village!" and we gather 'round to offer our 2 cents.

    That is an interesting pattern on your fall blocks. I think they just need a spark of fresh color -- maybe yellow or bright orange -- to lighten them up.

  2. I really like the design in this quilt. And the fall colors are beautiful. Sometimes you do need to step back from a project and let it sit for a bit.

  3. It's got the color of fall leaves in it. A tone on tone narrow border, black maybe and then a final border of fall leaf fabric could really perk up those blocks?
