
Thursday, October 16, 2014

15 Minutes to Stitch 10/16/14

I am so glad that Kate has brought back a new version of her 15 Minute Challenge. I had participated in her challenge through most of 2013 and was sad when she decided not to keep it going this year. I have continued tracking the number of days that I have managed to spend at least 15 minutes on quilting, and my results have been very good. It has helped me get into the habit of spending some time in my sewing room almost every day.

So far in October, I have spent at least 15 minutes quilting every single day. Most days I worked on my hand-stitched hexies, and I have also been spending machine time on my Rainbow LeMoyne blocks and my Boston Fiesta UFO. Quite often I end up spending an hour or more on my projects in the evening.

Soon I need to figure out if I am going to attempt to make any Christmas gifts and get started on those. The time will slip away before we know it!

Check out Kate's 15 Minutes to Stitch post at Life in Pieces to see how she and others are finding time for their creative pursuits. 

Julie in GA


  1. You do a great job of maximizing your sewing time, you always seem to be making progress. Thanks for linking up today.

  2. I've joined the challenge too! Looking forward to establishing a winter routine.

  3. I'm glad it has returned too it makes me think about doing something every day even though I don't always succeed.
