
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

15 Minute Challenge 10/8/13

Lately my time for quilting has been in little chunks of time rather than being able to spend most of a day in my sewing room. I would love to be able to do that, but there have just been too many other things going on lately like overnight guests and evenings out at various events. The past couple of days I have been concentrating on cutting and prepping for projects so that when the time becomes available, I am ready to sit down and sew, either by machine or by hand. Here is what I was doing yesterday.

I have been cutting black and grey fabrics for both my Scrap Hexies (lower left) and for more Dancing Stars blocks (across the top.) At the lower right are 24 bowtie blocks for my Scrappy Sampler quilt.

10/1 - 10/7
Tuesday--Color Palette Hexies
Wednesday--Color Palette Hexies
Thursday--Color Palette Hexies
Friday--Color Palette Hexies
Saturday--Baby Blue Boxes
Sunday--clean up, Scrap Hexies, Dancing Stars, Honey Honey
Monday--Scrap Hexies, Scrappy Sampler, Dancing Stars

Check out the 15 Minute Challenge posts at Life in Pieces to see how others are finding time for their creative pursuits. 

Julie in GA


  1. Another 7 out of 7 days! You've been doing really well at finding those 15 minutes each day. Your blacks and grays are going to make some very cute blocks.

    Thanks for linking up this week.

  2. Pretty picture! Love the fall colored bowties.
