
Friday, September 6, 2013

Hexie Friday 9/6/13

I have been stitching scrappy red hexies since early August for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, where every Saturday quilters link up blog posts showing their scrappy projects in the chosen color for that month. Last week I received an email from Angie who blogs at A Quilting Reader's Garden. She left a comment about my hexie project and invited me to join in for Hexie Friday at her blog.

This week I finished up a second red hexie snowflake. Next I will begin making baby blue hexies, our designated color for September.

Check out Hexie Friday at Angie's blog to see some incredible hexie projects. I am so glad she invited me to join the fun!

Julie in GA


  1. Your snow flakes are awesome! It is so much fun to see your progress with these. I'm off to see that Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and thanks for linking to Hexie Friday - we're so glad you shared with us!

  2. Your snowflakes are beautiful. I love the red! Great idea.

  3. Beautiful snowflakes! And I'll check out the link, thank you.

  4. Very pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing your blue ones.

  5. Thank you for your visit to my blog!! Spent some time this morning looking around at your blog. Enjoyed the trip and now I want to make snowflakes!!!! Very pretty and just wondering how you are going to put them together or are going to fasten them to one large piece? Take Care
