
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

15 Minute Challenge 9/3/13

I was almost giddy with excitement over the prospect of 2-1/2 days off over the weekend. We have been putting in long hours at work lately, but it has let up enough that we unexpectedly got both Sunday and Monday off, plus we finished up around 2:00 on Saturday.

I spent a big chunk of Monday straightening up my sewing room which was looking like a tornado hit. Clearing away some of mess should reduce the frustration next time I need to do any cutting.

I managed to do some quilting every day of the past week. Most days I hand stitched hexies, especially while riding the train to work.  Over the holiday weekend I made 20 quarter log cabin blocks for Alycia's QOV Block Drive.

8/27 - 9/2
Tuesday--Scrap Hexies
Wednesday--Scrap Hexies
Thursday--Scrap Hexies, RW&B Scrap Club blocks
Friday--Scrap Hexies
Saturday--Scrap Hexies, RW&B Scrap Club blocks
Sunday--Scrap Hexies, QOV Block Drive
Monday--clean sewing room, QOV Block Drive

Check out the 15 Minute Challenge posts at Life in Pieces to see how others are finding time for their creative pursuits. 

Julie in GA


  1. Great week! Thanks for the info about QOV blocks. I need an in between project.

  2. You had a great week. It was so nice having the Labor Day holiday. Hope this week was as good.
