
Saturday, February 17, 2024

SAHRR Round 4--On Point

The next border for the 2024 Stay at Home Round Robin project was announced on Monday. Our assignment this week came from Brenda @ Songbird Designs, and her choice was square in a square or on point blocks. It didn't take me long to realize that my signature blocks from Rounds 1 and 2 would make a great border if set on point.

The signature blocks had to be trimmed down a bit to get them to the right finished size, but they fit together very nicely to surround the 12" star block. 

I also stitched the triangles border to the Liberty Legacy block center. Now each of these blocks with borders will finish at 20".

I'm adding my post to Brenda's link-up for Round 4 at Songbird Designs.  The entire 2024 SAHRR schedule is below.

January 15: Center block: Gail @ Quilting Gail
January 22: 1st Round:   Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
January 29: 2nd Round:   Anja @ Anja Quilts
February 5: 3rd Round:  Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
February 12: 4th Round:  Brenda @ Songbird Designs
February 19: 5th Round: Gail @ Quilting Gail
February 26: 6th Round: Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
March 18:   Parade: showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
We only have two more rounds to go for our round robin quilts. I can't wait to see what the final borders will be!

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. Fabulous! And I like how they meet in the corners.

  2. That is a very clever way to use the signature blocks! The Liberty Legacy quilt is very pretty!

  3. Oooh, very cool use of those signature blocks, it makes a very nice frame.

  4. That was a very clever use of your signature blocks. Both your blocks are looking great :)

  5. Great way to use the signature blocks! I love how the corners come together!
