
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December One Monthly Goal

The One Monthly Goal (OMG) link up, hosted by Patty at Elm Street Quilts, is one that I've participated in sporadically over the past few years, with very mixed results on my success rate. I'm hoping that having more time for quilting in retirement will help improve my number of completions.

I've shown this quilt top, along with other projects, a couple times over the past few days, but decided it deserved a blog post of it's own as my One Monthly Goal.

My goal for December is to quilt and finish this little wallhanging. It measures about 28" square, and I believe it is an old Thimbleberries pattern (can anyone confirm that?) Before I can get it layered for quilting, the outer border needs to be removed and made smaller. There's definitely too much fabric around the outside edge. 

I may not get this done in time to hang it up for Christmas this year, but it would be great to have it ready to go next year.

Linking up with:
One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts

Happy quilting everyone!

Julie in GA


  1. I can't tell you if it's an old Thimbleberries pattern or not, but I can tell you I love it! Cute wallhanging!

  2. That's a great project to work on this month. Good luck!

  3. That’s a great goal and looks very Thimbleberries to me.

  4. Pretty. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
