
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 37, 2020

Most of the past week was spent sorting through my collection of quilting books with the goal of getting rid of some. It took a few days, but was finally completed on Thursday, and I rewarded myself with a sewing session on Friday. I made the remaining 16 Stashbuster Square Dance blocks in red and orange that were needed for this month's Rainbow Stash Challenge assigned color of red. Here's all 32 red and orange blocks in my current favorite zigzaggy layout.

Only one more color assignment left for the year, and that will be yellow for October. For these blocks, my yellows will be combined with light green scraps. I can't wait to get the last set of blocks done and start joining them together!

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayI hope you are all staying well and getting lots of quilting done!

Julie in GA 


  1. Looking good, Julie!! Your design wall reminds me that I have long wanted to make a "hot" quilt from warm colors. Hasn't happened... yet!

  2. Love this setting! Your stashbuster blocks are so fun to see growing each month. It is going to make a stunning quilt.

  3. This looks great just as it is! Very modern looking.

  4. This is going to be part of an outstanding quilt, as usual for you. You never disappoint. Have a safe and happy week. I need to start last months today. and October is yellow, eh? lol

  5. This quilt is going to be spectacular! I can’t wait either!

  6. You always have the most wonderful designs, looking forward to seeing all the colours together, when you are done.

  7. I can't wait to see this when you have all the blocks done! It's stunning!

  8. Looks like your project will be coming to a close soon. Can't wait to see how the colors mingle.

  9. Yup! Your zig zag project looks wonderful. The yellow will really brighten things up too!

  10. This just gets better and better! Isn't it fun to be this close to finishing? Gotta love the RSC.

  11. Love the oranges and reds swirling around all together there! These blocks make such fun designs!

  12. This quilt is going to be amazing. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  13. This is such a fun and versatile block. Looking forward to seeing your final setting. I've missed playing along with RSC this year.
