
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 31, 2020

After finishing my seventh group of Stashbuster Square Dance blocks for the 2020 Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I decided it was a good time to play with some layout ideas for my blocks. I had worked up a couple of designs on the computer early in the year, and now I can look at them with actual blocks too.

My original plan was to run the blocks in horizontal zigzag rows, working my way through our slightly different version of the rainbow. Setting the blocks 16 across and using each color combination twice would yield a quilt that measures 64" x 80".

I could also easily make the hills and valleys of my zigzags deeper as in this version.

It was time to play with these ideas using actual blocks. I could only do half of the rainbow because there are gaps in other places for colors that haven't been called yet. My examples include light green, medium-darker green, teal/turquoise, light blue, medium-dark blue, and purple. This version is only 8 blocks across and is the layout shown in the first computer design.

For my next attempt, I went with a more random layout. I don't have to go up and down the same number of blocks every time, which might be a little more interesting. This version, running from left to right, goes down 3, then up 2, then down 3 again.

I'm looking forward to getting the rest of the colors added to this collection. Then I will really be able to play with all sorts of layout ideas. Who knows which one will be the final choice!

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayI hope you are all staying well and getting lots of quilting done!

Julie in GA


  1. My vote goes for random, but it's going to be beautiful whatever you decide.

  2. I also like "Random"..but they are all great...hugs from afar julierose

  3. So fun! I love the last photo. Looks like we get to add purple this month!

  4. I'm in the Random camp as well, but either version will look spectacular.

  5. I love this! I like that first photo of it

  6. This is going to be amazing, whichever design you use. I especially like the random one.

  7. Those blocks have a lot of fun layout choices! I enjoyed seeing what you're trying!

  8. Hi,
    Beautiful arrangement of your blocks...have a great day!

  9. Wow! This will be knock-your-socks-off gorgeous however you set it!

  10. This is so cool. Love the last picture. Like seriously ♥ the last picture. ;^)

  11. I like ALL the options and don't envy you the task of choosing

  12. So many possibilities with the stashbuster challenge blocks! Awesome!

  13. I love them all...what a fantastic quilt this will be. I wonder how long I will be able to go without starting my own.

  14. Ooh, how cool this is looking! I LOVE the deeper zigzags!!

  15. So many enticing possibilities! It’s such a versatile block in your yummy saturated colors - you can’t go wrong.

  16. It's going to be a fantastic-looking quilt, whatever setting you decide on!

  17. I really like the second one - it seems like it makes the eye move around more, if that makes sense!

  18. I love the "wave" in the last photo!

  19. This is going to be a tough choice, isn't it? So many gorgeous possibilities!

  20. I love how these blocks look together. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  21. Oh boy! Whichever way you go this is sure to be wonderful! How fun!!!

  22. I need not start a new quilt, but I fear this post has piqued my interest. Off to the scrap bag I go! It's a beauty!

  23. Oh, I like the second idea of going up and down in uneven zigzags. It’s very dramatic!
