
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 17, 2020

One of my quilting goals at the beginning of the year was to make one Stashbuster Square Dance block every day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. There have been some months when I've had no problem keeping up with these blocks, and then there is April, when nothing has been normal. As of yesterday, I had 14 blocks done for this month.

After a full-court press earlier today, I finished up the rest of the blocks for April with a total of 30. Our color for the month is light blue, and I have used that with medium-darker blues in my blocks. They will not be arranged quite like this in the finished quilt when they are combined with more colors.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayI hope you are all staying well and getting lots of quilting done!

Julie in GA


  1. love your blues! I still need to make the two blocks that I need for mine - I might actually not get to it this month and need to make them first thing next month - we will see - the table is too full at present time

  2. this is such a pretty pattern--love the black with those blues
    nice work this month ~ ~ ~ waving in the sunshine Julierose

  3. That is quite a goal - a block a day! I really like those blocks, and I think the design is going to be fun to see when you have the colors in the order for your plan!

  4. It is a weird time right now, isn't it? Good job pushing through, I need to do the same thing. Your blocks are great, nice and scrappy.

  5. Great variation in your RSC blocks. Congrats on getting these done!

  6. Lovely blocks. Just this color combination would make a pretty quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. You managed to make a block at least half the days this month, that's really not shabby. The blocks look great. I agree with Cynthia, these blocks would make a pretty quilt all on their own.
