
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 4, 2020

We are nearing the end of January, and I'm already thinking ahead to our next color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Lucky for me, Angela announced today that the color for February will be orange. That means I can get a jump start on pulling orange squares and cutting more from scrap strips.

My plan/goal at the beginning of the year was to average making one Square Dance (aka Double Four-Patch) block every day. As of today, I am a little bit ahead of that goal with 28 green blocks finished.

These blocks are the perfect leader and ender project, very easy to construct. There's just one slightly tricky part to be careful about, and I know I'm not the only one who made this mistake on the first block. The small four-patches need to have two squares of the chain fabric, plus one square of each of the contrast fabrics like the first photo below. On my first attempt, I made my small four-patches like the second photo shows, one with two squares of the light green and the other with two squares of the darker green. This doesn't produce the correct layout for the design.

Correct layout of small 4-patches
Incorrect layout of small 4-patches

The Square Dance pattern is the 2020 Stash Buster Challenge block at Border Creek Station. Their instructions make a 6" block. My stash had mostly 1.5" and 2.5" squares available, so my blocks will finish at 4". I'm ready to start digging out the orange squares for next month's blocks!

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. That’s such a fabulous block! Yours are looking awesome, Julie.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the block construction. It's already looking great and is sure to be an amazing quilt.

  3. Wow, that’s a lot of blocks! Looking forward to your oranges!

  4. Just lovely work your greens look great hugs, Julierose

  5. Brilliant block choice for RSC. It really utilizes both dark, medium and light scraps. Thank you for the helpful tutorial. Inspiring!

  6. I've been wanting to make some of those Stashbuster blocks, so appreciate your photos showing the right and wrong way to sew them together! I love the design yours are creating when you put them together!

  7. Raising hand and waving wildly, here. Yep! Totally messed up my first block. That awesome wave layout you've got going on makes me want to go try some more!!

  8. Love your blocks.. i am debating whether to start a scrappy one with white chain or not. Love the different layouts you can do with this one.

  9. thanks for the heads up - I haven't made that block yet. I like yours with black

  10. That's going to be a very fun RSC quilt. That's one of those blocks you have to look at the instructions regularly, especially if you skip a day or two.

  11. Wow! One a day. Your blocks look good altogether like that.

  12. Your Square Dance blocks are coming along nicely! I'm getting a head start on February/orange also.

  13. These simple blocks are going to make an amazing quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Those are really pretty. I'm looking forward to next month's color.
