
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 35, 2019

Long hours at work have definitely taken a toll on my quilting productivity this month. Fortunately, I was able to keep up with two of my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month, producing groups of blocks in light and medium blues.

I had lots of fun making the different Tiny Tuesday blocks this month. I liked the 1/4 Log Cabin blocks so much that I am considering that design as an option for next year's RSC project.

The Orange Peel blocks keep getting worked on during the morning train commute. I might still have a couple more light blue blocks yet to finish.

I couldn't resist putting a few groups of the Orange Peel blocks up on the wall together.

I hope to spend the rest of this afternoon working on another scrappy project that includes plenty of bright blues. This is the center of my version of Kevin the Quilter's summer mystery. My next step is a border of yellow 4-patches to go around this part.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework and Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Really like the orange peels on the darker backgrounds...hugs, Julierose

  2. Lots of gorgeous blocks, so fun to have a few projects on the go :)

  3. Your projects are so pretty - love the colors and Kevin's is really striking! Love those blues and yellows!

  4. I love the blues of your quilt blocks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I so love your Orange Peel blocks. Wonderful blues all over. Great job, Julie! ;^)

  7. Nicely coordinated orange peels. They are on my list to do. Yellow and blue fabrics are a great combination.

  8. Those quarter log cabins would make a great RSC project! I love your orange peels, too - so pretty in all the colors!

  9. Your Kevin Mystery fit right in with August's Light/Bright BLUE for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Julie. LOVE it with the yellow contrast!!

  10. Oh, those orange peels are just awesome - I look forward to seeing them come together in a quilt!

  11. Your orange peel blocks are just lovely. They form such beautiful flowers.

  12. I always enjoy your colorful posts. They are always filled with lovely blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Sorry to hear that work got in the way of sewing ... that should never happen! Lol! Loving your Orange Peels and Tiny Tuesday blocks. I am also considering the Quarter Log Cagins for next year's RSC. Of course, I'm also entertaining about ten other ideas! Hahaha!

  14. You've gotten lots done even if you've not had a bunch of time to spend stitching. I'm still working on all my 4 patches for Kevin's mystery. Your version looks great! Hope this week is much slower on the work front.

  15. Your orange peels look so striking, Julie. I like that layout. I have a little container full that I’ve been stitching as a 'to go' project for a couple of summers, but still haven’t decided how I’ll lay them out. I might throw a few up on the design wall to mimic yours to see if they would play well that way. For one too busy to sew, you’ve certainly accomplished a lot!
