
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday--Week 34, 2019

I've been doing well this year at keeping up with making the weekly Tiny Tuesday blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. The part of that project that I haven't kept up with at all is framing the blocks. Now that we are almost 2/3 of the way through the year, it seems like I should choose a frame fabric and get that part done, instead of waiting until the end to do them all.

All along, I've been thinking that a light/medium grey tone-on-tone would be a good choice for the frame fabric. A recent sale at Connecting Threads included several different grey fabrics. I bought 3 yards of one print to use with these blocks, plus 1/2 yard pieces of a couple of other greys. Now it's time to decide which fabric I like best.

The lighter grey fabric on the right is the one I had been planning to use. Unfortunately, I like the darker fabric on the left better. I only have 1/2 yard of that one, so will have to buy more before I can frame these blocks. I'll find another use for the 3 yards of the lighter fabric, maybe as the background on a mystery project.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. These are all such wonderful blocks. And tiny, too! I agree with your background choice. Isn't it always the way, the fabric we have least of looks the best.

  2. I love seeing everyone's TT blocks - it's so fun to see how they look in different scraps! I like that darker gray, too for the background!

  3. Seeing the blocks spread over the two backgrounds, I really like the darker of the two. Nice job of keeping up with the TT blocks!!

  4. I like the gray on the left too. Great blocks! I am saving the info to do these next year, just need to decide which fabrics to use.

  5. I like the darker gray too. Hope you got it ordered and can get going on your frames soon. You've got a great set of blocks.
