
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Scrappy Rainbow Saturday: Week 6, 2019

This has been a good week for pulling out the sunny yellow scraps to use in my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects. We had some gorgeous, warm days mid-week, including a high of 80 degrees on Thursday! The beautiful yellow scraps are a good match for the daffodils that are popping up all over the neighborhood. 

My yellow blocks include this week's Tiny Tuesday blocks. As usual, somehow I ended up with one extra. They are so little and cute, plus quick and easy--I couldn't resist!

My other yellow blocks for the week are the first four Stair Steps blocks. The pieces have been cut to make four more over the weekend.

I received an email last week asking about the pattern I am using for the Stair Steps blocks. I don't have a real pattern, just figured out my own from seeing similar blocks here and there. 

Here are the cutting directions for one 6" block:

Black-on-white print: Cut 6 squares @ 1.5"
Grey and black prints: cut one each
1.5" x 1.5"
1.5" x 2.5"
1.5" x 3.5"
1.5" x 4.5"
1.5" x 5.5"
Cut the same sizes from the yellow (or color of your choice) fabrics as you just cut from the black and grey fabrics. 

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and with Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Love your yellow blocks! We've had roller coaster temps here in TN, too. As long as the sun is out, I can stand the cold. Working with yellow definitely helps rid the chill.

  2. Hooray for sunny yellow! OH, your temps of 80 sound wonderful. We have had whole week of single digits and below zero! It is so cold!

  3. Oh, I love those yellow log cabin like blocks! They are so cheerful. I'm with you-- bring back the warm weather.

  4. Where do you live that you are experiencing 80 degree weather? We're in a deep freeze, going on week two now (in Calgary, AB Canada). Love your Stair Steps blocks.

  5. Those stair step blocks make such a neat pattern! Thanks for sharing how you made them!

  6. Love that Stair Step block! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thank you for sharing how you make your stair step blocks - they do look great!

  8. What a wonderful selection of YELLOW scraps!! I've been wondering about your Stair Step blocks. Thank you for including the cutting instructions!

  9. Be still my heart on that milk jug neutral. LOVE this block.

  10. yellow is lovely color.
    have a great day

  11. Great yellows! Please send some sunshine our way, as we have only had fog and clouds! Thanks for the Stair Step pointers - I may have to give this a try.

  12. Thanks for the Stair Step instructions. After I finish up my Spider Web blocks that use my 1.5 scraps I know what I'm going to make with the remainder of 1.5 scraps.

    We had record lows of -33 and then a few days later had temps in the 40s. We also had a record snowfall in January and an ice storm a few days ago. Crazy weather!

  13. Your blocks look fantastic. Thanks for sharing your cut sizes with Oh Scrap!
