
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Ribbon Stars Quilt Top!

My One Monthly Goal for the month of March has been to join all of my Ribbon Star blocks into a quilt top. I started out making these blocks as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last year, but I ended up making blocks from only four colors instead of the whole rainbow. 

I made 20 stars in each of my colors, then joined the stars into groups of four by color. The four-star blocks were arranged in bands of color running diagonally through the quilt.

Ribbon Stars, 60" x 75"
My only uncertainty at the moment is whether or not to add any borders. My original plan did not include borders, and the current size works well for a throw quilt. However, once all the blocks were joined together, I started thinking that the quilt might look better with a narrow border of the white-on-white prints, and maybe even a scrappy border of all the bright colors combined. No decision yet, and for now I'm going to call it done.

Here are some close-up shots showing off some favorite fabrics.

I love the veggie prints and the green diamonds!

I've always thought of this print as the french fry fabric!

The fabrics in these blocks hold special memories--the dark leafy print was used in a wedding quilt for a niece, and the light leafy print was combined with an old Hoffman challenge fabric many years ago. The polka dot fabric was from a maternity dress made as a costume for a production of Steel Magnolias.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. I'm also joining the One Monthly Goal link-up at Elm Street Quilts. Be sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Love the way you arranged the colors. Just noticed they were done in sets of 4. You always make the most intricate pieced quilts, and they always come out spectacular. I agree, a very small border to corral all those stars in.

  2. It is a beautiful quilt Julie. Pretty fabric and great memories.

  3. I had the French fry fabric in orange, used it as tail feathers on a funky chicken.

  4. You know I love these friendship stars! LOL. To border or not - that was a dilemma for me until I changed my layout to make a self-border. Whatever you do will look fantastic. Love those fabrics!

  5. You have so many fun fabrics! And it's great that some of them are memories

  6. These blocks sewed up beautifully! It's bright and colorful. I'd probably go with the border, but I like my quilts framed. You could go without one and it would look great.

  7. This is one fabulously scrappy quilt top! It will be wonderful whether or not you decide to add a border.

  8. This is just so lovely! I mean, all your seams even MATCH-- (something I can never achieve) plus it's those pumpkins and veggies...i agree with a small border...but then, I am a border (on the edge??) gal hugs, Julierose

  9. If everyone only knew all the memories a quilt holds! And I like how you showed some closeups of your fav fabrics. From afar who knew there were so many fun things besides memories in a quilt - there's some built in smiles too!

    Congrats on goal completion. I like your layout. No advice from me on borders...I rarely add them because I never know what to add.

  10. This is beautiful! The arrangement of colors is perfect! I can't wait to see if you add a border or not!

  11. I really like how you grouped the blocks into colors. Great RSC quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. That is so special that this quilt holds so many memories for you! Your quilt will look good either way, but I really like your idea of a narrow white border and another using the colors in the quilt.

  13. Borders or no borders, it's a great scrap quilt!!

  14. What pretty and fun blocks! The diagonal layout is very nice, not too obvious, sort of blended. I agree with your idea of a border of white, then either the scrappy one or just a scrappy binding. Have fun with it!

  15. P.S. It seems to me that some folks do not think of the binding as part of the design, yet others use it as an exclamation point which can be very effective.

  16. Love how this turned out! Your border idea sounds good - I think the extra white/light fabric will really make the stars sparkle.

  17. Lovely quilt! I like the way you positioned the colors.

  18. This looks awesome! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  19. I really like your finish. Great job.

  20. Great finish! I always lean towards borders, maybe a white border then a scrappy binding? :) Nice work!

  21. Very pretty, congratulations on completing your goal.

  22. Hi Julie,
    This turned out beautifully! I had to come comment - I saw you on the March OMG finishes and thought what is that beauty??!! I love all the different fabrics you chose. I'll be checking back to see if you decide on borders or not, and to see how you quilt it. ~smile~ Roseanne
