
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Plenty of Purple

When it was announced that the February color assignment for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is purple and lavender, I wasn't sure I would find many scraps to use in my current RSC projects. I went digging through my boxes, bins and drawers and found all sorts of purple goodies!

The first place I looked was my drawer of 3" strips (the same strips that were used for my Scrappy Trips blocks last year.) I found several strips of purple, a few 3" squares, and a couple dozen four-patches.

3" strips and squares

4-patches made from 3" squares
The 3" purple strips have been cut up into squares to make more 4P blocks. There may be enough in that pile for a small quilt.

Miscellaneous scraps

There was a small pile of miscellaneous purple scraps. Some of these were used to make a few more sampler blocks to add to the Squared Away blocks. The pattern for these is from the 2017 Fat Quarter Shop Patchwork Quilt Along.

FQS Sampler blocks

After all the favorable comments on my Baby Blue Boxes top last month, I thought I might make a block or two each month in the RSC colors. Here is the first one in purple and lavender scraps. I love how the block looks on point! Now to come up with a name for this block pattern--maybe Spinning Boxes or Boxed In? Other suggestions would be appreciated. 

Spinning Boxes block

The final source of purple scraps was this bag of little 1.5" squares that was sent to me a few months ago by Jennifer in PA, a fellow RSC participant. There must be hundreds, maybe even a thousand or more squares in there! 

Bag of 1.5" squares
I sorted out a couple handfuls of the squares, then started making little nine-patch blocks from them. These are my current leader/ender project. So cute! Thanks for the scraps Jennifer! 

3" nine-patch blocks

Wow, that's a lot of purple scrappy projects in the works! I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Your collection of scraps is wonderful; there's so much potential in there.

  2. Lucky you with so many purples. I love the Spinning Boxes. What are the dimensions, like the central square and the length of the box. I think it would make good use of my strips. They are great on point.

  3. Wow! That's a fantastic lot of purple! I really like the Spinning Boxes - I may have to give that a whirl myself!

  4. So much great purple all over the place. Love the little nine patched.

  5. Well, seems like you have plenty purple scraps ;)) Beautiful blocks!

  6. You found lots of fun stuff to play with this week. I really like your spinning blocks, it's very fun. Looks like a great block to use up some smaller strips. Happy stitching this week.

  7. Lots of pretty purples. You really made some lovely blocks from them. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. You have a lot of wonderful scrappy ideas for those scraps.

  9. Those are all great! you are so creative ;-)

  10. You have quite the royal riches this month!
