
Sunday, November 5, 2017

OMG (One Monthly Goal)--November 2017 Goal

There have been some years where I was very goal oriented with my quilting, posting a list of goals at the beginning of every month and reporting on whether I reached those goals at the end of the month. This has not been that kind of year! It's time to get back to publicly stating some of my quilting goals in an attempt to stay more focused. I'm going to start by joining in with the One Monthly Goal link-up over at Elm Street Quilts.

Last week I was sorting through my boxes of UFOs and leftovers from past projects. When I finish a quilt, I have a bad habit of not dealing with the extra blocks, partial units, and leftover fabric scraps. They tend to sit around for many months or even years before anything happens to them. That was true with this pile of pieces.

These are leftovers from a Blooming 9Patch quilt that I made as a commission in 2004. The request was for autumn colors. I ended up with a pile of extra blocks, some unused strip sets, and miscellaneous chunks of most of the fabrics. I also have yardage of many of the fabrics in my stash.

My goal for the month is to turn this pile of leftovers into a quilt top. The photo below shows one of my first attempts at a possible layout. It's still similar to a Blooming 9Patch, but more loosely organized. I have been making additional blocks from the partial strip sets and need to figure out how many blocks I need of each fabric combination. (This photo is much closer to the true colors of the fabrics.)

That's the plan for the month ahead--one completed quilt top. I will report back at the end of the month with a progress report and maybe even a new goal for December. I am joining the One Monthly Goal link-up for November at Elm Street Quilts. Check it out to see what others are hoping to get done this month!

Julie in GA


  1. What a great use for leftover blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. You've definitely got a good autumn vibe going with this one. Good luck with your November goal.
