
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Neapolitan Stars

I love the combination of pink and brown together in a quilt! These stars are planned to become two separate quilts, one with the smaller blocks and one with the larger, but I couldn't resist a photo of them all together on the design wall. My plan is to make these blocks each month as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2018. The pattern is Scraptastic Star by Melissa Corey, and I look forward to making these stars in a full rainbow of colors.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Those are pretty! I really like that block!

  2. I love those blocks (and the colors). It looks as though those white squares will give it a sort of Irish Chain secondary pattern. You always have such great projects!

  3. These are going to make for a wonderful RSC18 experience!!

  4. Pink & brown together are awesome! This block will be a great RSC project for next year!

  5. It's going to be fun to see those blocks in each new color next year.

  6. Loving your blocks! I am pinning for later.

  7. I am not going to make it a whole year seeing these blocks and not making some of my own. I love them more every time you make some. Thanks (?) for sharing with Oh Scrap! :)

  8. I love pink and brown together too! These look awesome!
