
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Pink Strips for Scrappy Trips

It seemed like there would be plenty of time for me to start working on my pink Scrappy Trips blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this week, but it didn't work out that way. All I was able to do was pull out some pink strips, choose groups of six for the gradation of color, and get them cut to the right lengths. No stitching yet, but maybe over the weekend.

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on SundayBe sure to check out all of the wonderful projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Those pinks all lined up from dark to light sure make a pretty picture! They'll be fun to sew with when you have some time!

  2. Well, the cutting is most of the work, imo, so I think you are well underway. The fabrics are gorgeous!

  3. Your fabrics look fabulous just as they are! This is going to be a luxurious scrappy trip!

  4. You are ready and that's the important part. Those PINK strips are going to make some really pretty Scrappy Trips!!

  5. You have some simply fabulous pinks! I hope you get a chance to stitch them together this weekend.

  6. Your fabric pull alone is enough to stop me in my tracks! Beautiful!!!!!

  7. Now that the difficult prep work is done, those Trips blocks will quickly make themselves! So pretty seeing them lined up like that.

  8. Those rows are beautiful, can't wait to see the blocks. Keep up the good work!

  9. those pinks are great. Looking forward to seeing what they become.

  10. Looks like a great start, even with no stitching. Beautiful shades of pink

  11. Your blocks...beautiful! These pinks are amazing...just like a sunset!

  12. Great fabric choices. Once you find some sewing time you will have those blocks sewn up in no time!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Ooh, very pretty! You've got some great pinks in your strips. Those are going to make some bright blocks.
