
Monday, June 19, 2017

Design Wall Monday 6/19/17

Thanks to everyone who offered their opinion to last week's post on which sashing fabric to use with my green strippy blocks. The darker brown was the overwhelming favorite, and I have gotten the strips cut and started stitching the pieces together. 

These blocks are very large, 24" finished. I am planning to add more green strips around the outside as a final border. Looking at the photos, I'm wishing there was more of the brown--maybe I will make all the sashing as two strips of brown with a line of green strips in between.

I am linking up to Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt, and Moving It Forward at Em's Scrapbag. Check out all of them for tons of amazing quilting inspiration! 

Julie in GA


  1. I read all your planning to add to this design--thinking like me! It just goes on and on. It is a great quilt. I love mono scrappy quilts!

  2. Yea for using up some of your scraps! (At least I'm guessing that is what is happening with these blocks.) I do like that brown with the blocks.

  3. Hi Julie,
    I think the brown strips look great. I like the scrappiness of the quilt, and I think it would look fine with or without the extra brown and green sashing. Whatever makes your heart love it! ~smile~

  4. Looking very good. It is surprising how much one change of color can alter design plans!

  5. I'm looking at your quilt, and also looking out my window at the beautiful trees, with their brown trunks and green leaves - you are using God's color pallet, and it is very soothing. I like your quilt. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays.
