
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Still Tripping in Red

One of my quilting goals for this year is to use up most of the 3" strips that are filling a drawer in my sewing room. The strips were from guild exchanges that happened at least 13 years ago. Each month we would exchange 3" strips in an assigned color. It seemed like a natural choice to use them for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, where we work on projects each month using our scraps in an assigned color.

My plan for the RSC this year is to make 4 Scrappy Trip blocks each month using Bonnie Hunter's pattern and my 3" strips. I finished my set of red blocks early in the month, and still had a very large stack of 3" red strips. What to do with them?? I considered several different options, but ended up deciding to stick with the Scrappy Trips--they are easy to make, and I love playing with different layout options. The only bad thing is that I didn't have enough red strips, so I ended up cutting more from my stash. I will probably end up with almost as many strips at the end of the month as I started with!

So far I have made 12 red blocks, and I am planning to make 8 more. Setting them in five rows, four blocks across, would make a quilt that measures 60" x 75", a good size for a throw quilt. Here are a couple different layout possibilities.

There's also the chance that I will make 20 blue blocks when we get to that color for the RSC and combine them with these red blocks. Maybe red chains running one direction and blue the opposite way--wait and see!

I am linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday, at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday and at I May Have a Scrap Problem at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects that everyone is sharing! 

Julie in GA


  1. Beautiful blocks! Red is just so vivid and you've got some fun ones in those blocks. Mixing them with blue sounds would make a very fun and graphic quilt. Looking forward to seeing you play with that theme.

  2. Great assort of red fabrics! Red with blue blocks and you will have a great patriotic quilt.

  3. Beautiful! red and blue would be lovely.

  4. Oh no! The lure of the Scrappy Trips block! Love the result, though!

  5. Lovely blocks! You and I seem to be thinking along the same lines - when a color comes along that we can make an additional single-color quilt out of, go for it! The patriotic color scheme sounds nice, too. Either way, great scraps!

  6. The reds are so pretty. Lots of possibilities!

  7. So cool! Those would look fantastic with the blue blocks too!

  8. Like the first choice first, the second is just to busy and there is no set pattern to it. Love your work on RSC. I gave up this year, maybe next year. I am working on completing (or trying to) or catching up on UFOs.

  9. Beautiful! I love your red prints and shades. This blocks is on my bucket list.

  10. Fun with squares, LOL!! I like the first setting best, it has more movement within it.

  11. I really LOVE the idea of combining the RED and blue Trips in opposing directions!!

  12. Great job getting such good contrast with your reds. Your blocks look great! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Your red trip is just lovely--the shading is gorgeous...hugs, Julierose

  14. The scrappy trip blocks are so addictive. So many possibilities. You're hopeing for blue and I'm looking forward to warm sunshiney yellow. Which will it be?

  15. These are absolutely gorgeous! Red and blue together would be very pretty!

  16. Nice array of red color and prints, your quilt dances with the variety :)

  17. I made my 1st block using 30's fabrics Monday.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    (picture in my blog post)
