
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

UFO Challenge--January 2017

Judy at Patchwork Times is once again hosting a UFO Challenge this year. Each participant makes a list of 12 UFOs, and each month Judy picks a random number to let us know our assigned project for that month. The number for January was 3.

I had so many UFOs around that I submitted two lists--one that is mostly piecing and/or borders (see that list HERE) and one that is mostly quilting/finishing (see it HERE.) Here are my #3 UFOs for January:  

Green Crossroads--quilt & bind. Nothing got done on this project.

Ring Around the Stars--started May 2001. The original plan back in 2001 was to make a bed-sized quilt, but I realized part-way through that I didn't have enough of the background fabric. The center of the quilt was all together as shown in the first photo, measuring about 51" x 63". 

I added two borders to the quilt center, bringing it up to 61" x 73.5". 

Ring Around the Stars
61" x 73.5"

Here is a close-up shot so you can see the fabrics.

I liked this pattern so much that I did make a bed-sized version of it with most of the same fabrics. This one has a different background, which really brightened up the look of the quilt. It was completed in 2002 and is one of my favorite quilts ever!

I am currently 1 & 1 on my UFO Challenges. Hopefully I can do better in February. Waiting to see what number Judy draws! I am linking up to Patchwork Times for Judy's end-of-the-month showing of our results.

Julie in GA


  1. I do like your finish very much! It was good that you concentrated on it ;-)

  2. Thank you for explaining how the UFO challenge works! I must have missed the original post and was trying to figure out how to join in. I think it's really cool that you're finding a new plan for blocks that you set aside back in 2001. Those stars are beautiful!

  3. A gorgeous quilt! I love how it looks as if it has curves. I can see why you love it. That one is gorgeous too.

  4. Awesome finish! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with more than one UFO list ...

  5. It's all progress! Congrats on the very pretty finish!
