
Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Purple Production Line

Happy National Quilting Day! I hope all you quilters out there find plenty of time to spend stitching away on a project today. As my Music Man left for a rehearsal this morning, he ordered me to get my butt into the sewing room and make some quilt blocks! Who am I to argue with him about that?

My blogging has fallen behind by a week, but it was for a good reason. We spent several days last week in Wisconsin and had a wonderful, relaxing time there. It was good to get away and enjoy time with family, and now we are working on getting back to normal here at home.

I found some time since we returned to make my March blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge sampler quilt. Our color for the month is purple, and this month's block is the butterfly. I got a little carried away and made a few more blocks than needed, but they can end up on the back of the quilt. I had a great time making the little pinwheel blocks from the leftover HSTs. The butterfly blocks finish at 6" and the pinwheels at 3".

RSC 2016 Sampler

My other purple production has been more nine-patch blocks for my Ring Cycles quilt. I'm trying to decide how big I want to make this quilt, which then determines how many 9P blocks to make. I cut out a stack of the background hexagons and triangles to look at on my design wall, and I hope to get some of them joined together today so I can figure out the finished size. I'm loving the way this is looking, but joining the parts together is going to be a challenge with those odd angles.

Ring Cycles, pattern by Lessa Siegele

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Julie in GA


  1. I'm not a fan of purple but I love that Ring Cycle quilt pattern. After going to the link you provided I love it more because of the applique. Putting this one on the bucket list!

  2. Awesome projects! That Ring Cycle is impressive!

  3. Gorgeous projects all around! I am especially in awe of Ring Cycles... (Insert heart eyes here)

  4. I'm impressed by the Ring Cycles pattern; it's beautiful the way you are developing it. I have a load of small 9-patches too but I'm worried by the thought of angled seams.Those mini pinwheels are fun!

  5. All lovely / the Ring pattern is amazing! :)

  6. What wonderful blocks! The butterflies are amazing,the pinwheels are so cute and tiny and that Ring Cycle! What's not to love about that! Great work this week!

    1. Your butterflies look perfect. Don't know why I worried they would be too bulky. I'll have to make mine this weekend.
      Love the Ring Cycles quilt. I've added the pattern to my wish list.

  7. Such a lovely selection of PURPLE scraps you have to work with!!

  8. Love it! Good luck with all those Y seams!

  9. be still my heart! The ring cycle is like Jack's chain but looks more fun to make. LeeAnna

  10. What fun, a Kaliedescope of butterflies and pinwheels together. The Cycles are looking beautiful, so much work but worth it.

  11. Looks like those butterflies have kept you busy!

  12. You have so many gorgeous blocks going on there! The Ring Cycle quilt is just amazing! Fun to see how it is evolving.

  13. You've achieved a lot since your holiday away, sometimes when you come back from a break you can race away on the machine. Your Ring Cycles is looking stunning.

  14. Great purple pinwheels and butterflies...reminds me I have to get my purple blocks blogged. Your other project is such an interesting shape.

  15. Purple is my favorite color so I am enjoying all the pretty blocks this month. Your blocks are amazing! Thanks for sharing them with Oh Scrap!

  16. Everything looks so wonderful! I'm so looking forward to seeing Ring Cycle when it's done.
    And now I have a sudden urge to go make little purple pinwheels...

  17. Your rings are gorgeous! It's such a complex design and I don't envy you putting it all together :)

  18. The Ring Cycles quilt is entered in my 2016 calendar as an the on-going quilt. On-going means work a little on it each month in between other sewing, as opposed to start something new, get distracted and put it in a UFO tub. I am going with orange, red, and pink with a low volume background.

    I love what you have going there!

  19. The Ring Cycles is amazing, but then your butterflies are wonderful too.

  20. I love the mix of colors in Ring Circles. And funny thing. I just read this blog post asking why no one is using purple anymore:

  21. Would you please tell me which way you pressed your seams on the triangles? Awesome job!!
