
Saturday, December 5, 2015

RSC 2016 Plans and Ideas

As we approach the end of 2015, it's time to finish up some of this year's projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Last week I finished off the top of the applique quilt, Circling the Rainbow, that I have been working on all year, and it has been delivered for quilting. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

My second RSC project for this year has been bowtie blocks. According to the tally I've been keeping all year, there are 540 blocks done. They will finish at 4". I haven't decided yet how I want to put them together. There is still a stack of teal/aqua squares cut for more bowties, so I might continue making these as leaders/enders with the goal of having 600 blocks at the end of the year.

The other fun part with the RSC at this time of year is thinking about possible projects for next year. I have been contemplating a couple of options for a new hand-stitching project. Since I did English paper piecing last year and hand applique this year, I was thinking maybe it's time to try hand piecing. I just haven't settled on the perfect project yet. Here are a few sample tumbling blocks that I made recently. 

The tumbling blocks were okay to make, but aren't exciting me right now. If anyone has a suggestion of a fun block to piece by hand, I'd be very happy to hear about it. I think I might prefer something that I could piece the blocks by hand, but then end up joining them by machine. The thought of hand stitching a whole pile of tumbling blocks together at the end of the year is just too much for me at the moment.

It's quite possible I will end up doing another hand applique quilt. One option would be hearts--something like this adorable little baby quilt. Melissa Corry at Happy Quilting has a great tutorial for this quilt (although her version is for hearts that are fused and machine stitched.)

I have also been thinking about making a 30's style butterflies quilt. My mother has talked about remembering a quilt like this from her childhood. Here are a couple versions I found on ebay and saved to Pinterest.

There are so many wonderful quilt designs out there, it can be overwhelming to choose what to make next. I'm not committing to any of these ideas yet since I still have a few weeks left of 2015.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge every Saturday and at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework on Sunday. 

Julie in GA


  1. Oh, I remember my grandmother having a butterfly quilt when I was a kid. (Now I wonder what ever happened to it?) Made in the 30's, too. Making an updated version could be fun!
    I'm thinking of hand piecing LeMoyne stars for next year's RSC. I need to sit down and make a sample...

  2. Do you read She has several and some would be good for hand piecing like pumpkin seeds or alamo stars. You could do a cathedral window too.

  3. I LOVE kathysquilts Pumpkin Seeds quilt too! It get higher on my bucket list every time I look at it. I LOVE your tumbling blocks! The right project will come along! Just keep following on blogland.

  4. LeMoyne Stars are one of my favorites. With all the set in seams, it is perfect for hand stitching, but then the blocks could be joined by machine. Whatever you decide, I am sure it will end up beautiful. Those hearts are pretty happy, and vintage butterflies with blanket stitch edges would still be a different type of project.

  5. Isn't it difficult to select a project for next year's RSC? I look and look and can't decide. I loved the circles on the black and white HST that a number of blogging folks have made. And of course the pumpkin seeds are always a good hand project.

  6. Julie, I did a fun small quilt years ago using EPP tumbling blocks appliquéd in a scattered fashion. I called it My Baby's Gone and Left Me, when my daughter left for college. I showed it on Throwback Thursday a while back. Just enough to sample the EPP but not tie myself down to it. Maybe you are looking for some smaller piece to do without over committing. So many project choices for the new year!

  7. Your Tumbling Blocks look great. It so hard to pick and chose what to make for RSC2016. The right one will come along. I do have a project (UFO?) that could fill your requirements: the blocks are hand pieced but you can machine piece the finished blocks together. I have posted about it here;
    Good luck with the search. ;^)

  8. Good luck choosing your hand project for the RSC16!!

  9. Rainbow butterflies could be quite spectacular . . . isn't trying to decide fun (and oddly stressful, but in a good way)?

  10. I inherited a butterfly quilt my grandmother made that was falling apart. I decided to make one similar. The butterflies were like the ones in the first quilt you show but the layout was different. I really enjoyed making the butterflies.

  11. Looking forward to seeing what you settle on for 2016. I do like those tumbling blocks! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. I've been thinking of lemoyne star as a hand pieced project for many years.... using inklingo. Maybe.... next year if my hexagon flowers don't appeal? I loved making the appliqué orange peels if you want an appliqué block. The hand pieced trip around the world is a great hand work project and it builds as you go. Just some ideas for you..... =)

  13. I look forward to seeing what you chose to hand stitch in 2016's RSC.

  14. I haven't made a final decision yet either, but I do plan to participate this year. A couple of the ideas on my list are from books I think you would enjoy, both from the 70's, by Jan halgrimson. They both have scrap in the titles, spiralbound, & loaded with ideas along the lines you are thinking. I have my eyes on a circular clamshell, but not sure I want to commit to hand piecing for the year. Check Amazon, they're a steal!

  15. I certainly have so many scraps that I should consider joining in. Meanwhile I'm cutting squares and rectangles in the hopes of bringing the scraps under control. claire aka
