
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Seeing Red and Moving On to Black

It took me until the second last day of the month, but I finally finished up the two sets of red blocks for my ongoing projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I don't plan to combine the bowties and the circle blocks in the same quilt, mostly because of the different backgrounds, but I do like the way the shapes play together on my design wall.

I am excited to report that I also finished assembling the quilt top of the red UFO that I showed last Saturday, my Curves and Cornerstones quilt. You can see it and read more in yesterday's post.

I haven't figured out what to do with my circle blocks for August. Our RSC color for the month is indigo (purplish blue), with black and grey as alternate choices. I considered adding grey circles to my blocks, but I didn't like the way they were looking with the black and white backgrounds. I will definitely make black and grey bowtie blocks in August, but haven't decided what else to do. I'm still considering options for a UFO too.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  There will also be plenty of scrappy projects at Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is more fun than Housework.

I am also trying to help spread the news of a new linky party. Krista has started hosting a quilty version of Throwback Thursday. Go to her blog on Thursdays to link up a post showing some of your early quilt projects (maybe pre-blog quilts?) and see other posts of quilts from the past. This week I shared photos of my first quilt, made in 1995. You can see my post HERE, and join in on the fun at Krista Quilts next Thursday.

Julie in GA


  1. Great collection of reds! Hard to believe the year is more than halfway done.

  2. Your project and design is looking lovely!

  3. Beautiful blocks. I really like the way those two blocks work together. Definitely an idea to file away if you have any left overs you want to use up.

  4. Those blocks do play together well; the bow-ties are lovely on point.

  5. So nice to see your ongoing projects on the wall together. They seem to really enjoy working together - inspiration for a design project perhaps.

  6. I'm sure you've told us, but how large are your bow tie blocks? They're wonderful.

  7. Using the entire month to complete your RSC projects is not a bad thing. You ended up with a GREAT looking batch of blocks! Good luck with your projects during INDIGO month.

  8. Great-looking reds! I have the same "blue problem" and decided to go ahead and use royal blue, since that's what I have. I'm all in favor of using what you've got. How about a turquoise? That would look great with your blocks. Good luck!

  9. What a wonderful red scrap collection you have!

  10. What a stunning combo you have there with the red circles in the center! It is very dramatic and eye catching. Thanks for the info on Krista's new Linky party. Will check it out because I have quite a few oldies.

  11. Although I read that you won't be combining the two blocks together in one quilt I think the set you have here is a smasher!!

  12. Looks good together! Who knew. Beautiful quilt finish in previous post. I'm slowly working up my UFOs, too.

  13. Beautiful red blocks! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. They look good together! Well done on the other quilt - it is lovely too - I had to go and look...thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday
