
Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Red UFO

Several months ago I had the idea of working on old UFOs as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. My selection of which project to work on is based on our color of the month. Sometimes I don't have time for a UFO, but I have managed to make progress on a few. I have been anxiously waiting for our red month because I knew exactly which project I wanted to finish.

I call this quilt "Curves and Cornerstones." The pattern is a log cabin variation that was designed by Mary Ellen Hopkins. I started this quilt in a class in 1996! That's nearly 20 years ago! That means it is also one of my oldest UFOs because I started quilting in 1995. I was mostly working with fabrics from my stash, and I didn't have a lot to choose from back then.

I made 36 blocks to start with and joined them all together, giving me a panel that measured about 60" square. (You can't quite see the two sides in the above photo.) I played with lots of ideas for borders to make it big enough for my bed, but none of them were working for me. It didn't help that I had used up two of my fabrics. I packed the whole thing away in a box around 1998. It would reappear from time to time, but I never came up with any brilliant solutions to the border problem. 

A year or so ago I was photographing all of my UFOs and really enjoyed seeing this piece again. I pulled a couple of fabrics from my stash as possible substitutes for the ones that were used up. The new plan was to make 12 more blocks, adding a row to the top and bottom of what I already had, turning it into a good-sized throw quilt measuring around 60" x 80". 

So far I have made 8 blocks and have 4 left to finish. The following photo shows a row of new blocks along the top edge. I hope to finish the rest of the blocks sometime this weekend and get them all sewn to the quilt top. It will be such a satisfying feeling to turn this very old project into a quilt top.

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful scrappy projects featuring RED at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Julie in GA


  1. What a sense of satisfaction to cross your oldest UFO off the list. Looks like you are almost there.

  2. It's so beautiful it would really be a shame to leave it languishing in a box for another 20 years! You've done a good job in matching the fabrics; the new blocks really blend in well..

  3. I love that pattern. Which one of Mary Ellen Hopkins' books did it come from?

    1. I don't think it is in any of her books. The teacher for our class used to work with Mary Ellen and got the pattern from her.

  4. Such a smooth transition, you'd never know so much time has passed. It's such a lovely pattern, no wonder you want to get it all done up.

  5. AWESOME quilt!!! I love the way you have added to the quilt by incorporating UFOs into your RSC goals. Looking forward to seeing the big reveal of the completed top!

  6. It's absolutely gorgeous! Finishing that is going to be such a rush. 8)

  7. Beautiful quilt, it will be a great finish.

  8. This is really stunning--I love it! Hugs, Julierose

  9. What a neat design! I'm glad you decided to show it some love - it will be wonderful when completed!

  10. That is so cool. The old and new is going beautifully together. Such a beautiful quilt. Its funny cause Mary Ellen Hopkins book It's Ok To Sit on My Quilts was my first book and one of her pattern from that book was my first quilt.

  11. It's beautiful! I'm happy you chose to finish it and look forward to seeing it completed.

  12. Oh hurray for finishing (nearly!) a UFO! It looks fabulous. All you needed was a little more time and experience under your belt to be able to finish this top. Well, and a bit more fabric too. ;- ) Good job!

  13. 20 years ago...oh, my! It's such an unusual pattern Glad you decided to resurrect it and found a solution to your border problem. That's going to be one beautiful and unique quilt.

  14. Looks like your plan is working well. It will feel so good to get that one off your UFO list.
