
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Scrappy Saturday

Our color for the month at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is light blue and/or greenish blue. My focus this month will mostly be on using my teal, turquoise and aqua scraps. I haven't made much progress on my regular RSC projects yet, although I did lots of cutting for my Rainbow Bowties in shades of turquoise, plus I prepped some circles to be appliqued. 

This block was a test sample for trying to use up some of my stash of 3" strips left from a long-ago strip exchange. It is a larger version of Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Trip Around the World block. My block finishes at 15". I might end up making a whole batch of these in an attempt to empty that drawer of strips.

Check out all of the terrific scrappy projects at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Julie in GA


  1. A quilt of those turquoise strips would be lovely! How are you basting those circles? Just around a cardboard template or plastic? They always look so great on your black and white squares......

    1. I am using Karen Kay Buckley's "Perfect Circles" plastic templates. My circles finish at 2.5".

  2. Lovely ocean colours being used this month. You're all set to go for the month. The around the world blocks would make a beautiful summer time quilt - perfect for snuggling under as the cool evening breezes creep in.

  3. Your test block looks GREAT!! Your prep work will pay off in the coming weeks. Happy Quilting!

  4. Good prep work, it will be fun to just sit down and sew. Nice scrappy trip along, I love that block.

  5. Lovely collection of teals here, one of my favourite colours, those circles are going to look so good in your quilt.

  6. you must be getting low on scraps...

  7. Beautiful prints! Prep work is the most difficult part.

  8. Great job on using your blues. Love those circles!

  9. Beautiful teals and aquas. I'm going to use the same colors this month for my scrappy projects, once I find them.
