
Monday, May 25, 2015

Design Wall Monday 5/25/15

Yesterday I finished joining together the sections of the Green Blooming 9-Patch that I have been making with the 10-year-old leftovers from an earlier quilt. All that's left to be done for the quilt top is adding a border of the same dark green as the setting triangles.

Green Blooming 9-Patch
In my continuing attempt to use up all of the leftover blocks and scraps from that earlier quilt, I started piecing the rest together for the back. I ended up with the group of blocks below. Now I'm unsure if I should use them on the back, or begin yet another quilt top. I had intended the Blooming 9-Patch to be a Quilt of Valor, but I like it so much that I'm not sure I can give it away. Maybe the blocks below will continue to grow and take its place as a QOV.

Despite all my efforts, I still have this collection of blocks and strips to use up. They must breed and multiply when I'm not paying attention!

I am linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times, where you can see all sorts of amazing quilting inspiration! 

Julie in GA


  1. Scraps are like mushrooms, they sprout in the dark! I don't I could part with that B9P, either; it's luscious.

  2. That blooming 9 patch is gorgeous - I wouldn't be able to let it go. And it looks like you've got a whole 'nother quilt growing from the scraps of the scraps anyway!

  3. Your blooming 9 patch turned out beautifully. I wouldn't give that quilt up either.

  4. Oh, Julie, it's just gorgeous! And yes, scraps do multiply!

  5. Your blooming 9 patch is a keeper, I say! Your other set of blocks are great, too. The same can be said about scraps as my mother used to say about laundry and dirty dishes... the neighbors bring them in!
